VIEWPOINT MAGAZINE Volume 5.1 October 2016 | Page 3

-Pg. 16
Devotional and Global News “ Worthy of Worth ?”
-Pg . 10
-Pg . 6

“ Johnny Smith : Belonging ” by Sarah Lee

-Pg. 16

Devotional and Global News “ Worthy of Worth ?”

As the Deer Pants

by Josiah Watanabe -Pg . 17

By Kairos Loya
“ Why are you depressed , O my soul ? Why are you upset ? Wait for God ! For I will again give thanks to my God for his saving intervention .” -Psalm 42:5 ( NET )

“ I will pray to God , my high ridge : ‘ Why do you ignore me ? Why must I walk around mourning .’” Indeed , the Korahite who used to sing that God was “ never going to let him down ” is now found finding no meaning in those lyrics , because to him , He had already let him down . He cries to the Lord and hears no comfort ; he feels rejected by Him , and feels no embrace . He asks him why this is happening to him , and God says nothing back . This man is discouraged to the point of bitter tears . But I tell you , do not be discouraged , my friend ! As the Korahites did , cry to the Lord , yes , though it feels like He ’ s not there . Poor man , cry , for he will answer you ! Do not be afraid ; instead , be brave and courageous , for you have yet to praise Him . Be comforted in his saving intervention : that God poured his wrath on his Son that you may live . Though we have to go through this life , bear this trials for a little while , we can rejoice because Jesus Christ is alive .


Volume 5.1 October



Gi Hyun Ahn
-On September 18th , there was a bomb explosion in Chelsea , New York , injuring 29 people . The suspect of the terror is not found yet , and the reason for this explosion is unknown as well . While there was an explosion already in Chelsea , and additional a pressure-cooker formed explosive object was found nearby , and the neighborhood was filled with horror .

“ Italy : Rising From the

Rubble ” by Gen Ha Park

-Pg . 10

“ A New Friend ” by Amanda Angeles

-Samsung is recalling all their Galaxy Note 7 due to the battery cell problems that caused several of the devices to explode . They have caused serious injuries , so therefore Samsung is replacing the devices in all expenses to prevent further casualties .

-Pg . 6

-Philippine’ s current president Rodrigo Duterte had promised to get rid of drugs in his campaign for the election , and as he got elected , he proclaimed war against drugs , killing everyone who is resisting the police investigation .
Layout by Noah Beliasov 2