VIEWPOINT MAGAZINE Volume 5.1 October 2016 | Page 22

-Pg. 16
“ Worthy of Worth ?”
-Pg. 10
Amanda Angeles -Pg . 6


“ Johnny Smith : Belonging ” by Sarah Lee

-Pg. 16

“ Worthy of Worth ?”

What was your most

embarrassing story when -Pg. 17 you were new to something ?

by Josiah Watanabe


Mr . Ken
By Jae Min Lee
Mrs . Betty Joe
I thought it would be great to take Zach and Kenny to the farm store . When we got there , a baby pig looked really , really , cute and we thought it would be nice to have it as a house pet . We bought it , then took it home . When I started giving a bath , it started to scream and run all over the bathroom . I told my husband that I couldn ’ t do it anymore so my husband said that I had to take it back to the shop . I tried to harness the baby pig and take it back to the pig store and told them that I couldn ’ t take care of it and that it was too hard .
In elementary school , I had a hole in my pants and I went to the bathroom to check the hole . I decided to put toilet tissue inside the hole to hide it but kids noticed the tissue so they started yanking Volume it out 5.1 and October I walked around the school with a trail of toilet tissue .


Mr . Spangler
I crashed Dominic Martin ’ s motorcycle into the wall on the road down to the athletics when I was first learning to ride the motorbike .
Mas Yohanes
During my first visit to America , I ate hot dogs with knives and forks . I didn ’ t know you had to eat it with your hands so I cut the bread and sausage and ate it together .
Mr . Underwood
When I was new in Indonesia I tried to eat a fried food with a green pea that was on top of the gorengan . Without knowing that it was chili , I popped the chili into my mouth — then I realized it was chili .
When I first started to play soccer at school , I scored a goal in my own goal thinking it was the opponents goal and I celebrated !
Mr . Collins
I was new in 3rd grade and there was a boy named Shawn . He was bigger than me and on the playground he tripped me and punched me in the throat . Later in 4th grade , I smashed him in the face with a Rubik ' s cube and he never messed with me since .
In 5th grade a group of boys threatened to beat me up and ran , so I ran off the playground . The by entire fifth and fourth classes chased me .
Layout by JiHyun Ahn

“ Italy : Rising From the

Rubble ” by Gen Ha Park

-Pg. 10

“ A New Friend ”

Amanda Angeles -Pg . 6