VIEWPOINT MAGAZINE Volume 5.1 October 2016 | Page 21

“Johnny Smith: Belonging” Opinion “Worthy of Worth?” by Josiah Watanabe Change is Good by Sarah Lee -Pg. 17 -Pg. 16 By Gauri Bhrigu Change. It is a word that creates mixed feelings glad that I did. I got to try something new, something I otherwise would have no chance of trying out. What appeared to be a challenge in the beginning has now turned into an opportunity for me - an opportunity to be a better person. This was something that allowed Volume 5.1 October me to get out of my bubble and meet a new kind of people and just experience something different. Change can be witnessed everywhere. The very society we live in is an ever changing phenomenon. For instance, we often hear people complaining of generation gap. It usually signifies the way two generations vary from each other in terms of ideas, values and beliefs. The younger and present generation has proved to be more advanced and open minded than their previous counterparts. There had been maladies like child marriages, gender inequality, and child labor which were eradicated because people changed their outlook and became sensitive to the needs of the ones who were being oppressed. Change is good because it helps us become a better person and the world a better place to live. So embrace change like an old friend, whom you’ll be better off with, instead byof shying away from it. VIEWPOINT among people. Some fear it while others accept it with open arms. Some try to avoid it but well, change is inevitable. I think everyone will agree that change can indeed be intimidating. It is something that we can’t control, which is what makes it scary. I’m sure you must be wondering; if change is so ‘intimidating and inevitable,’ then how is it a good thing? Well the answer to that question is simple. Without change, you wouldn’t be able to get out of your comfort zone, try new things, meet new people, and become a better person. Most importantly you won’t be able to adapt to new situations. But unfortunately, some people fail to see the positive side of change. They get too caught up with keeping up with the changes and struggling to keep balance, that they forget the fact that once they adapt to the changes, things won’t be so bad anymore. As a new student, coming to this school was a dramatic change. The way the school works, the subjects, and the people were all new to me. I had left several familiar faces behind and was brought to this totally different place with new people to fill the old shoes. Was I nervous on the first day? Yes. Do I regret moving here? No. In fact I’m “Italy: Rising From the Rubble” “A New Friend” Amanda Angeles -Pg. 6 by Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in this page do not, in any way, represent the school’s opinion. These are Gen Ha Park owned and freely expressed by the individuals per se. -Pg. 10 Layout by James Kwak 20