VIEWPOINT MAGAZINE Volume 5.1 October 2016 | Page 20

Opinion “Worthy of Worth?” “Johnny Smith: Belonging” by Josiah Watanabe by Sarah Lee A Benediction of -Pg. 17 -Pg. 16 Love By: Faye Simanjuntak VIEWPOINT What does it mean, emotionally, to be human? It’s a question that leads to some of history’s most intellectual arguments, disagreements and debates. One that is capable of keeping us wide awake at night, because the day in which we can finally answer that question, we can also justify one’s life purpose, existence, and meaning. To multiple people, it would mean different things. In a more pessimistic view, I would believe our core emotion to be selfishness. All our emotions center on ourselves. As humans, our first impulse is survival, to be able to sustain our own lives. Our emotions are too commonly centered on the thought of how we can benefit for ourselves, not how we will help others. We try to act like it is for the good of others, as though we’re bringing someone up, when it’s prevalently about us. We habitually pity ourselves over others, and get consumed by our own problems and not those of the larger society. Yet many other people would disagree on this last paragraph. As cliched as it sounds, numerous individuals claim love as the prime human emotion. Not the cliched romantic love, but a specific one from all its different meanings. In the greek language, there are many different words describing love, from romantic to brotherly love. The most important, I’d think, would be agape love, the Greek word commonly associated with unconditional love. Namely, it is God’s love,Volume God’s love never 5.1 that October falters and is always steady, no matter how much we all sin. (Who knows why exactly God gave us life?) Personally, I think love is what drives us all to commit the deeds we do. From sins to protect those we feel responsible for, to blessings for others that are not as fortunate as we are. Like I said earlier, I don’t know the exact answer, but I think God made humans to love Him, to love each other, and to love the world. In Romans 5:8 it says, “but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” God died for us even though we sinned. He loved us much more than we could ever imagine. We are sinners, and even though we don’t deserve Him, He loves us. We are all blessed to be human beings. But are we going to see this blessing as a condemnation of selfishness, or a benediction of love? It’s completely up to us. “Italy: Rising “A New Friend” by From the Amanda Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in this page do not, in any way, represent the school’s opinion. TheseAngeles are owned Rubble and freely expressed by the individuals per se. ” by Gen Ha Park 19 Layout by: Gen Ha Park -Pg. 10 -Pg. 6