VIEWPOINT MAGAZINE Volume 5.1 October 2016 | Page 23

“Johnny Smith: Belonging” Elementary “Worthy of Worth?” What’s New in lementary? by Sarah Lee by Josiah Watanabe -Pg. 17 -Pg. 16 VIEWPOINT Volume By 5.1Noah October Beliasov When you walk through the elementary, one word will come to mind - “new”. This year in the elementary, there are new teachers, playgrounds and activities. Three new teachers are working in the elementary this year: Mr. Leverett, who teaches 5th and 6th grade math and science, Mrs. Shelly, who teaches all the classes of 1st grade, and Miss Tiffany, who teaches 5th and 6th grade reading and writing. According to 6th grader Ju Young Oh, Miss Tiffany is “kind, pretty, funny, and a good teacher”. Galilee Searcy said that Mr. Levrette “does lots of experiments, tells jokes, and is nice”. Nadia Beliasov said “I like Mrs. Shelly because she has monsters in her classroom” (Mrs. Shelly decorated her classroom with a “monster” theme). Another new addition, something you can’t miss, is the two new playgrounds. The two new playgrounds were purchased because the old playground was unsafe and was falling apart. The smaller one is exclusive for kindergarten through third grade, while the other larger playground is for the whole elementary. The larger one is “lots of fun because there is a zip line, monkey bars and rings and triple slides”, according to the 1st grader Nadia Beliasov. Along with all these fun additions, there are some exciting activities. For the second year in a row, Mrs. B is running the swim club. According to Mrs. B, the goals of the swim club are to help the kids learn proper stroke forms, build fitness (endurance of swimmers) and fight through hard workouts, which is a valuable skill in life. Because swimming is such a vital and important skill in life and is such an enjoyable activity, over half of the elementary (about 75 kids) participated. Also, for the first time in four years, the elementary is participating in Clubs every third Friday. Clubs are opportunities to experience new activities, such as drama, rock climbing, crafts, and many other activities. “I’m gonna be able to do fun things in it,” says Jonathan Underwood, a third grader who has signed up for the soccer club. With these activities, new facilities, and by teachers, the elementary is headed for an action-packed, exciting year. “Italy: Rising From the Rubble” by Gen Ha Park -Pg. 10 “A New Friend” Amanda Angeles -Pg. 6 Layout by Kairos Loya 22