VIEWPOINT MAGAZINE Volume 5.1 October 2016 | Page 17

“Johnny Smith: Belonging” This I Believe “Worthy of Worth?” Johnny Smith : by Sarah Lee by Josiah Watanabe -Pg. 17 -Pg. 16 Belonging By Sarah Lee H aving lived in the Mountainview community for eight years, Johnny Smith faced a difficult transition when he moved to England last summer. “It seems hopeless to leave almost everything you love and be taken to a place where you know you don’t really belong” he said. He also knew that in his new school he would stand out because of his faith and background, just as a boy in rugs would at an adorned ball. “I need bravery to stand firm when people are trying to get me to be like the world, like everyone else.” In this stormy season of life, Johnny found that only one thing could keep him steady: God. “Without being attached to Him, and without Him always guiding me towards Him and reminding me of His never-ending love and faithfulness, I know I couldn’t have done this”, he said. “With him there is hope, love, peace, joy, and infinitely more than anyone could possibly know. Without Him...everything is hopeless.” To Johnny, God was the one thing that did not change, the constant One who remained faithful. Because he clung unto the Lord and sought His guidance, he was able to see God’s will in this move. Although he believes that Christians should live a life of missions in all circumstances, he found that the relocation into a more exposed environment allowed him to further devote himself to this lifestyle. “I looked at this transition as a start to a life of missions devoted to the Lord. Transitions can help us redirect towards [missions]: Volume instead of looking at the loss, we can5.1 lookOctober at it as an open door through which we can glorify God in ways we never could before.” he said. Presently, Johnny looks forward to finding sincere but timid believers in his new school and encouraging them to be more assertive in representing Christ. He also hopes to bring the spirit of worship into his community by encouraging bible studies and worship sessions. Despite the sudden changes and confusion, Johnny found hope by completely depending on God, a hope that strengthened him to start anew, to dive into the work of God with confidence. “It seems hopeless to leave almost everything you love and be taken to a place where you know you don’t really belong“ said Johnny, who continued, “...unless you by go with the person you belong to.” VIEWPOINT “Italy: Rising From the Rubble” by Gen Ha Park -Pg. 10 “A New Friend” Amanda Angeles -Pg. 6 Layout by Audrey Wasito 16