VIEWPOINT MAGAZINE Volume 5.1 October 2016 | Page 18

Mind and Spirit
-Pg. 16
“ Worthy of Worth ?” by Josiah Watanabe -Pg . 17
-Pg . 10
“ A New Friend ” by Amanda Angeles -Pg . 6

Mind and Spirit

“ Johnny Smith : Belonging ” by Sarah Lee

-Pg. 16

“ Worthy of Worth ?” by Josiah Watanabe -Pg . 17

Worthy of Worth ?


Popularity ”.

W ho are you ? The question of identity has always been and always will be an issue that boggles even the greatest minds . It is a question concerning what you believe to be true about yourself . Nathan Hong , a pastor at Pekanbaru International Christian Fellowship , said that more often than not people try to identify themselves in three major ways : “ Performance , Possessions , and

When you think about it , these speculations are perfectly accurate in relation to the world . People feel they have to achieve some awesome feat to prove to others or themselves that they are sufficient . Often times , when people are unsure of who they really are , they cling to what others say about them as a refuge from questioning their identity . To others , they think that being included in a prestigious group means that they have both the ability and the


matters , the things the world deems valuable to a possessions that make them “ worthy of worth ”.
Thus , when presented with questions about our identity we seek attractive and lofty responses . We tend to think that being the most athletic , beautiful , or smart is what truly defines us . More often than not , we are constantly viewing ourselves through the eyes of others to determine whether or not they would approve . Everyone , at some point in their lives , has experienced self-doubt concerning their identity . Everyone , at some point in their lives , has felt relief from that self-doubt by discovering something that others like about them . But this never lasts and soon fades . Why ? Are we merely
Layout by Faye Simanjuntak

“ Italy : Rising From the

Rubble ” by Gen Ha Park

-Pg . 10

By : Josiah Watanabe
nothing in and of ourselves ? Why do we always feel the need to earn our worth ? Why do we always feel the need to be part of something bigger than ourselves ?
To understand how to answer the question of identity , you must first understand the meaning and purpose of your life . As Christians , we believe that we were created in the image of God for the sole purpose of glorifying Him and enjoying Him forever . That is , of course , the sole purpose of man . But how is that relevant to our identity ? In the eyes of the Volume only One 5.1 October who
person ' s identity are simply worthless . “ But the Lord said to Samuel , ‘ Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature , because I have rejected him . For the Lord sees not as man sees : man looks on the outward appearance , but the Lord looks on the heart .’” The world and all that is in the world will pass away , therefore we must live in light of eternity , focusing on what really matters . This includes accepting the identity which our Creator has bestowed upon each and every one of us . Not an identity that we make for ourselves , but an identity whereupon believing in Christ , we become new creatures ! We have our identity in Christ and in Him alone ! There is no one you can possibly hope to be that pleases God the more than being who he created you to be .

“ A New Friend ” by Amanda Angeles -Pg . 6