VIEWPOINT MAGAZINE Volume 5.1 October 2016 | Page 13

“Johnny Smith: Belonging” Center Page “Worthy of Worth?” by Joyce Juhye Park (Class of 2014): I am nowJosiah Watanabe I am enrolled at Calvin by College in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I came in as a Psychology major -Pg. 17 Sarah but Leeswitched to Elementary Education, focusing on Mathematics and and hoping to teach them to middle school students when I -Pg. Science, 16my teacher get certificate. I have learned to develop a deeper personal relationship with God after I came to college. I believe I did have faith before, but it was more of my parent’s faith than my own. However, He has taught me to depend only on Him. I did have family to lean on back at home, but they didn’t understand everything that’s going on with my life, being in a totally different place. Friends may know everything but they are still humans and can’t satisfy all my needs and wants. Professors? RAs? RDs? They don’t even care unless I tell them first. God was and is the only source. He loves me and cares about me even if I don’t tell or understand myself. VIEWPOINT Vincent Halim (Class of 2013): After I left Mountainview I went to Berjaya College of Hospitality in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I major in the Hospitality Management as a degree and am going in on my 6th semester this September. Basically, I worked part time in some hotels and wine events trying to act fancy and stuff in front of people, which, I still learn tons of stuff from. So, yeah, I still come back to Semarang from time to time, like every 4 or 8 months to be exact, depending on how long the breaks are. What’s next for me in the future is probably looking for places to intern which will hopefully add to my experiences, connections, as well as my fanciness level in the hotel industry, preferably in a 5-star hotel or resort. So that is my life after Mountainview in a nutshell. Sorry if anybody who knows me expected me to have a career as a ninja assassin in Japan or a dragon slayer in a cave somewhere. I’ll do better next time. Volume 5.1 October Z ach “Italy: Armstrong (Class of 2014): Since graduating from Mountainview, I have spent the last two years studying music at Southeastern University in Lakeland Florida. I am currently entering into my junior year of school and I am looking into getting my bachelors in either Music Education or Music Therapy. Other than going to school I also work as a lifeguard at a pool. Iby live with my brothers as well as a few other guys in a house that we rent. As I go Angeles back to school this year, I look forward to Amanda seeing what God has in store for me. Rising From the Rubble” by Gen Ha Park -Pg. 10 “A New Friend” -Pg. 6 Layout by Kairos Loya 12