VIEWPOINT MAGAZINE Volume 5.1 October 2016 | Page 12

Center Page “Johnny Smith: Belonging” “Worthy of Worth?” From the Alumni by Sarah Lee by Josiah Watanabe -Pg. 17 -Pg. 16 Collected by Matthew Sujanto With the new year starting, it is time to know what our alumni have been doing after they were sent to the world beyond Mountainview. . VIEWPOINT S tephen Kusuma (Class of 2014): I have been attending Marquette University for a little over 2 years now. For most of you who don’t know me, I started playing basketball when I moved to Mountainview. I have been playing basketball the way Mountainview taught me, representing the eagles whenever I play. Most importantly, I’ve been Volume 5.1 October trying to give back to the community, just like how Mountainview taught me in the past. I have been setting aside time every week to help, serve, and feed the homeless. enny Armstrong (Class of 2013): Since leaving Mountainview in 2013 I K have continued to grow. I started my collegiate career at Clearwater Christian College. I attended there for two years before transferring to Southeastern University, in Florida. I am an Accounting and Finance Major, and I have begun the process of applying for jobs for after graduation. I continue to enjoy playing basketball, soccer, and whatever other sports I can participate in at school. I currently live with Micah, Zach, and Joe in a rented house not far from school. As I start my senior year of college, I am excited to see what God has planned for me. I will be getting married in June, to a girl I met invmy freshman year at Clearwater; and we are both hoping that we will get to come and visit Mountainview soon. “Italy: Rising From the Rubble” by Gen Ha Park 11 Layout by Kairos Loya -Pg. 10 “A New Friend” by Amanda Angeles -Pg. 6