VHEDC_2023_DE | Page 54

Century College and workforce


Joe Erickson , IC System

Since the beginning of the Covid- 19 pandemic , the work landscape has changed dramatically . Specifically , the perception of workfrom-home jobs has changed for both employers and employees . While the initial shift to remote work in early 2020 was required for many officebased jobs if organizations wanted to maintain operations , many companies recognized the benefits of these flexible options and now offer fully remote or hybrid positions on a permanent basis .

Prior to the Covid-19 shut-downs , IC System call center agents were required to work at the physical address of the business location . This was due to a long-established state law created to protect consumers . In 2020 , the law was temporarily amended to allow for at-home work within the collections industry , and employees were allowed to pivot to working in an online , remote environment .
This amendment to the law was a game-changer for IC System , as without it business would have come to a halt . Not surprisingly , IC System employees were no different than the majority of the U . S . Workforce , eager to have more flexibility in their schedules .
According to an April 2021 Talent Works survey , 97 percent of workers desire either a hybrid or completely work-fromhome schedule . Because business has become more flexible , if an employer is not able or willing to offer this benefit , it is easy for individuals to find an employer who will .
Not only did the temporary change in the ability to work from home increase overall employee retention , it also allowed IC System to recruit from a larger pool of candidates , providing income potential for individuals who may otherwise have not had the opportunity .
54 Northeast Metro Business