VERBOTEN Magazine July 2014 | Page 14

International Kink from South England than there used to be, there used to be one on most corner of a street, but, still they are everywhere. Pubs are brilliant places, you go in there to sit down and chat of an evening and usually (unless its a “local pub”) will be left to yourself. Pubs are not the only place where Munches take place, we also have Tea Munches. These will usually take place on a weekend afternoon or on a Bank Holiday. Tea Munches can though get quite posh, I attended one where there was High Tea served and that was an awesome Munch, it s just a shame I think that Munch is no Munches! You say surely they are longer going. pretty standard, you meet people talk about In England if you want to go to a things, kinky and non-kinky, and go from Munch, you are likely to end up in a pub, there. Well that is basically true I am sure maybe in a separate room in the pub, but of munches all over the world. What I will a pub it will likely be. You may though be talking about is how I have experienced end up in a Tea house or a Coffee shop. Munches in England. Just remember when at Munch , the dress Munches in England will most likely code unless stated in ‘nilla or more strictly talk place in a pub, yes, a very British speaking publicly acceptable kink-wear. meeting place. Pubs are cool because The main rule I have found though is they are usually relaxed, usually have a always have fun at a Munch an enjoy one separate area and have a good selection of the selection of fine drinks on offer in of drinks available. That is not the only your venue. I hope to bump in to you in Pub reason why they are used as a good venue, or Tea house near me one day, look for the Pub are everywhere. There are fewer now kinky toy on the table! Kinky England First and foremost, who I am. I am a 20-something kinkster from the Little Lu South of England I come from just outside the wonderful city of Brighton and Hove, I personally self-identify as a sub, but that is potentially evolving, and I am a lover of all things Sharps. I will though not be writing about that in this column and nor will I be talking about me. What I will be writing about is munches. 14