VERBOTEN Magazine July 2014 | Page 15

Savoir-Faire Enema Play Kinky Class Such a scary topic for many players, especially younger ones. Older players might have experienced enemas as a childhood ritual that they may have fetishized or at least are conversant about. It used to be a fairly common occurrence of childhood. There are many reasons to engage in Enema Play. Cleaning purposes, health issues, a form of Dominant control, sexual pleasure, Ms torture, humiliation and punishment, all come to Cynthia mind. Whatever your reason for exploring this topic you are going to need some basic information. There are 3 basic levels of enemas. The “Rectal” enema cleanses the rectal area or “holding area.” The “High” enema cleanses and flushes higher into lower colon. Then the “Colonic”, which is usually assisted by a colonic therapist, deep cleanses the entire large colon. So now we are going to need some basic toys and tools. Don’t bother wasting your money on silly Fleet enemas, bulbs or other such mess makers. Spend a few bucks for decent equipment. Once you decide that this is for you, then we can talk specialty items. A nice red bag from the drugstore is a basic staple and will work just fine. For many of us we grew up with this hanging behind the door of the bathroom. Throw out the nozzle they say is for enemas and keep the douche nozzle. It goes in farther and is less likely to come out. My second favorite is Shower Shot, it does a great job particularly for deep cleaning and punishment.You can also invest in larger buckets or bags if you wish to grow your collection and a simple search on the internet can familiarize you with the plethora of nozzles, colon tubes, Bardexes, hollow butt plugs, enema pants, etc. Water temperature is important. Hot water can cause burns to delicate tissue. Cold water will cause cramping, good to know for punishment. Warm, just above body temperature is the most comfortable. I am going to discuss additives to the water but for safety, keep in mind that any additive introduced via rectal/intestine tissue will rapidly enter the bloodstream, therefore caution is advised. Add small amounts until you learn your limits. I do not advocate the use of any of them, I am merely sharing my experiences.Particular additives that I have played with include castile soap, mineral oil, coffee, herbs, and wine. Positioning comes next. Standing or squatting make it difficult to hold your liquid. I like to give an enema while the bottom is on their back so that I can see their face but face down works just as well. Some people are more comfortable on their sides with their knees raised. Each person is different so play with positions to find your favorite. Before you stick that nozzle up the bum, be sure to run the air out of the line first. Air