Valve World Americas October 2024 | Page 24


Clean Water and Sanitation

Access to clean water and proper sanitation facilities play a pivotal role in influencing a nation ’ s progress . The United Nations ’ ( UN ) Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs ) are a set of 17 objectives designed to address urgent global issues pertaining to society and the environment . These goals are interconnected to cover a wide range of targets that ensure prosperous unity across all industrial sectors , governments , and most importantly , people . SDG 6 and SDG 9 draw the spotlight on clean water and sanitation access , as well as industrial innovation and infrastructure . These goals go hand in hand as SDG 9 , addressing the industrial sector with emphasis on the need for sustainable and resilient infrastructure . Meanwhile , SDG 6 discusses the demand for clean water and sanitation access through the implementation of water and wastewater facilities to enhance the health of communities in underdeveloped areas . 1 The demand for water across the Americas is steadily increasing after decades of resource misuse and inadequate structural integrity for clean water systems , or the complete lack thereof . Working alongside non-government organizations ( NGOs ) and authorities across the globe , leading manufacturers in the valve industry have implemented engineered solutions through upcoming and sustainable technologies . These collaborative efforts are redesigning agendas and frameworks to progressively improve access to clean water and sanitation by enhancing existing infrastructure , creating new projects , and collaborating with organizations that prioritize innovation , social equity , and global access . Follow Valve World Americas to explore these efforts .
By Shopia Ketheeswararajah
The Integrated Sectoral Programme for Water and Human Sanitation ( PISASH ) aimed to improve and further expand the town ’ s drinking water and wastewater services . Nicaragua was awarded a grant from the Water Fund , which built infrastructure in the town of Acoyapa . 7 Thousands of new drinking water and sanitation connections were installed in public schools and in the homes of vulnerable communities . The government of Nicaragua has implemented a framework called Drinking Water Supply Policy and Sanitation , with the aim of increasing effective coverage , quality of service , and the promotion of rational water use . 8
The Inter-American Development Bank awarded the Peruvian government with a USD $ 60 million grant to enhance the quality and grid coverage of drinking water and sanitation services in Zarumilla and Aguas Verdes districts in Northern Peru . This project has been anticipated to serve nearly 50,000 people and will help in expanding water supply and sewage systems by financing new wells , creating new distribution and pumping systems , household connections , and more . 9
24 Valve World Americas | October 2024 • www . valve-world-americas . net