Incentives Across the Americas
In the city of St . John ’ s , the design , construction , operation , and rehabilitation of a drinking water treatment plant is anticipated to result in a facility that has a processing capacity of 75,000 liters a day with three 11-million-liter storage reservoirs . This drinking water project will provide approximately 70,000 people access to cleaner and safer water resources while allowing the city to minimize maintenance costs . 2 Since 2021 , the Government of Canada has funded 796 water and wastewater projects , benefitting over 583 communities . 3
The Water Fund and the Ecuadorian government have come together to strengthen access to clean water and safe sanitation for rural communities in Portoviejo Canton , Ecuador . 5 The Portoviejo program enables the delivery of clean water by utilizing water tankers in communities that do not have modern infrastructure . This is the first time in Portoviejo ’ s history that it has received financial assistance for clean water services and is currently providing safe drinking water for up to 90,000 people . 6
Since 2021 , there have been several efforts made by the government to improve basic sanitation infrastructure in 27 cities across Rio De
Janerio . The UN and Brazil ’ s government implemented The Legal Sanitation Framework , to ensure national regulations and plans to enhance water security are met to achieve a 90 % success rate in sewage collection and treatment by 2033 . By restoring and improving the capacity of existing systems , an estimated 20 million people would benefit from improved sanitation processes . 4
1 . https :// sdgs . un . org / goals
2 . https :// www . acciona . com / projects / dwtp-saint-john /?_ adin = 02021864894 3 . https :// www . canada . ca / en / employment-social-development / programs / agenda-2030 / clean-water . html 4 . https :// www . gov . br / en / government-of-brazil / latest-news / 2022 / 2020-legal-sanitation-framework-modernization-and-investments 5 . https :// memoriafcas2020 . aecid . es / en / ecuador / 6 . https :// www . eib . org / en / press / all / 2020-329-eib-backs-improved-water-supply-and-sanitation-in-portoviejo-ecuador 7 . https :// memoriafcas2020 . aecid . es / en / programme-pisash / 8 . https :// sdgs . un . org / basic-page / nicaragua-34134
9 . https :// www . iadb . org / en / news / peru-enhance-water-and-sanitation-services-zarumilla-province #:~: text = News % 20releases , -January % 2012 % 2C % 202023 & text = The % 20Inter % 2DAmerican % 20Development % 20Bank , life % 20of % 20nearly % 2050 % 2C000 % 20people
www . valve-world-americas . net • October 2024 | Valve World Americas 25