Valve World Americas October 2024 | Page 23


Rotork Enhances Data Collection with Industrial Ethernet
Rotork is excited to introduce its fully integrated ethernet actuator , which is compatible with EtherNet / IP Modbus TCP and PROFINET protocols .
This innovative technology marks a significant leap forward in industrial automation , offering unprecedented data connectivity , speed , and operational efficiency .
With the introduction of Rotork ’ s integrated Ethernet solution , a data gateway is no longer required , enabling a direct , streamlined connection to Rotork ’ s intelligent IQ3 Pro actuator . This reduces complexity and increases the volume and speed of data extraction , with transfer rates up to 100 Mbps .
The solution is also housed within a robust weatherproof or explosionproof enclosure and supports RJ45 and M12 connection standards . Compatibility extends to industry-standard protocols , with PI certification , GSDML files for PROFINET , and ODVA certification with supporting EDS files for EtherNet / IP .
Severn Offers Technical Solution to Combatting Fugitive Emissions
Operators are under increasing pressure to reduce fugitive emissions for both onshore and offshore assets to achieve their core imperatives of safe operations and minimum downtime . Severn realizes the role they play in today ’ s climate conscious world to help reduce and eliminate fugitive emissions from valves . Utilizing the engineering heritage and extensive knowledge in severe service applications , Severn ensures it can offer the most suitable product for the end user .
Through Severn ’ s ‘ Repair Intelligence ’ and close operating relationships with end user operators , Severn has been able to understand the difficulties facing operations in the specification , purchasing and servicing of Control , Choke and Butterfly valves that are critical to reducing fugitive emissions across industrial facilities . Severn prides itself in offering technical solutions that perform no matter how severe or critical the application is . Ensuring that the end user gains the best valve performance and reduced maintenance costs over the lifecycle of the valve .
New FFU Universal Gate Valve from Coperion
Coperion has developed a new discharge gate valve for controlled bulk material flow from storage bins and hoppers to downstream process steps . This valve is suited for a variety of applications in the chemical and plastics industries with its impressively compact yet very robust construction . One particular feature of this new discharge valve is that it closes securely and reliably while material is flowing , but usually also when the product column is stationary , making this a perfectly suited
gate valve for demanding applications . This new valve that is well thought out in design and construction secures operators a singularly reliable technology solution and makes installation and maintenance simple .
Coperion manufactures this discharge valve using a precision casting process , enabling its compact and lightweight design . Its intelligent geometry , select guide elements and the form of the seal ensure that the FFU universal gate valve
can be used for a wide variety of applications with the most diverse demands — even in combustible areas ( ATEX ). This new geometry is what allows the gate valve to be used in the usual way even when the bulk material is stationary and best of all , its high-quality , robust construction ensures dependable operation over time . Various models with manual or pneumatic drive are available in sizes DN 150 to 400
( 6 to 16 inches ) and can be implemented in a variety of customer-specific options .
www . valve-world-americas . net • October 2024 | Valve World Americas 23