Valley Voice December 2016 | Page 12

your personal favorites, that doesn’t mean it isn’t any good…I just don’t want to name the THOUSANDS of activities you could do to get off the couch and when I say THOUSANDS, there are thousands to choose from.

Here’s my question to you: Is the year 2017 THE YEAR that YOU decide you’re going to LOSE WEIGHT? EAT HEALTHIER? STOP DRINKING? ETC, ETC… If so, how about this…start your New Year’s Resolution NOW. Decide TODAY. Today is the day that you will do something for yourself to becoming a Healthier, Happier YOU.

That can be something as small as moving your favorite pair of jeans that haven’t fit you in over 5 years but can’t seem to get rid of to the FRONT of your closet. Put a note on your bathroom mirror that says “I AM WORTH IT!” Set your alarm a little bit earlier and start with baby steps. Do 25 jumping jacks, 25 squats, 25 floor crunches, 25 push-ups and a 30 second plank…did you do it?

CONGRATULATIONS! You are one step closer to a healthier, happier YOU.

Fitness is a lifestyle so you must make it work for YOUR lifestyle. Start out with 5-10 minutes a day, eventually working yourself up to 20 minutes and before you know it…you just “worked out” for an hour! But you need to MAKE THE TIME. It’s so much easier to make EXCUSES…”I’m too busy.” “I’m too tired.” “I’ll start tomorrow.” “I’ll start on January 1, 2017.” “I don’t have an hour to commit.” “It’s too expensive to get a Trainer.” “I have (fill in the blank) this many kids.” The list goes on and on. I’ve heard them ALL.

Do you want to know what time I get up to work out? 3:45AM…yes, you read that correctly! I awake at 3:45AM and am fully into my workout by 4AM. WHY SO EARLY?!! Well, the rest of my day is spent changing other people’s lives through the power of fitness followed by my son getting out of school, helping him with his homework, taking him to track practice, personally training my son…oh, and yes that’s right, running a small business along with being a wife as well.

So during my 4AM workout, I’m not a Mommy, Wife, Master Personal Trainer or TV Fitness Expert. I am FAMISHA who is enjoying her “Me Time” to focus on my personal fitness goal. Find whatever time works for YOU and schedule it into your day like a meeting that you know if you missed it, you would be FIRED and make sure you SHOW UP and get it done!