2 IN
0 TE
1 R
You should also be
prepared to play at
commercial paintball
galleries in Australia,
and not much else.
Because paintball
markers are legally
considered a
firearm they must
also only be used
at an authorised and
licensed paintball gallery.
There have been ‘off-site
permits’ given to some events to occur away
from a commercial paintball gallery, but not
many. Learn to also respect the rule that only
field bought paint may be shot at the field
or event you are attending, it is rare for an
event to be held allowing BYO paint. That
said, whilst you won’t find your super cheap
department store brands of paint in Australia,
the prices of events and paint are comparable
(after exchange rate) with events and fields in
North America and Europe.
Down Under
Paintball is an emerging sport in the Land
Down Under. You would be right in thinkin