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the mateship and great social scene
surrounding the paintballing community. It
might sound like a stereotype, but Aussies
love a beer, a barbeque and to spend their
time meeting other players and sharing ‘war’
stories. You will find at any given event, the
average Aussie player is happy to lend a hand,
even loan our gear or give away parts to help
a fellow paintballer enjoy their day.
With a country as big as Australia, you will find
Australian paintballers, whilst used to travel
tend to stick to their local areas and States to
play the majority of their paintball. You will
find all three major forms of paintball, Sup Air
(also known as tourney or speedball),
Woodsball (called bushball locally), and
Scenario. There is no shortage of good
quality events either, depending on what your
persuasion is. For the Sup Air players they
can check out the Super 7s Series in Sydney,
PAVS in Victoria, NCPL in Canberra and the
Perth Paintball League in Perth to start with.
The Bushballers have the Australian Bushball
League and a host of other smaller events and
one off competitive events to look forward to.
And for the Scenario players, there is W.A.R.
(Warmongers and Rebels) held annually in
Sydney, the Tippmann Challenge Tour of Duty
(moving to two events annually in 2014) in
Victoria, the Total War Series which has four
events in Sydney and Perth, and then a whole
range of local or independent scenario events
hosted in between those bigger events.
Outside of your events, many paintballers enjoy participating in their local Paintball Clubs,
often operated in conjunction with local field
operators, these are the generally regarded
as the first stepping stone for new players
and keen recreational players wanting to step
into regular paintball. Many local Paintball
Clubs offer a great social scene, some very
good (if underpublicized) events and regular
paintball days to keep the masses happy. In
some States, you are legally required to have
a membership of a Club or field, so there is
added reason to be a member in the first
place and help out at the grass roots level
encouraging new players into the fold.
Well hopefully after reading all of that, you
have now decided that the long haul flight to
the Land Down Under is worthwhile, and you’re
going to pack some of your gear to take in
paintball Australian style. Don’t forget the laws
(and if you are bringing a marker, seek local
advice before you get to Australia to make
sure you have the correct permits!), enjoy
your stay, Aussie hospitality and social life
around our wonderful sport.
In fact, if you were to visit
Australia and want to play
some paintball, now is
probably as good a
time as any, with the
2014 Australian paintball calendar rapidly
filling up with events
and weather which
allows for year round
play, you would never be
short of an event to attend.
Cheers Mates!
Craig Lindley
Valken Corps Regional Commander