UTD Journal Volume 1, Issue 10, December 2013 | Page 7

CyCle 1 • RecReational Dive instRuctoR CyCle 4 • tRiMix Dive instRuctoR PaRticiPate in oR teach these couRses PaRticiPate in oR teach these couRses * essentials of siDe Mount Diving * tRiMix DiveR 1 * tRiMix DiveR 2 * PRactice Dives * RecReational 2 / aDvanceD DiveR * tRiMix DiveR golD * Rescue anD eMeRgency PRoceDuRes * class inteRnshiPs anD exPeRience Dives * stanD uP PaDDle / KayaK Dive instRuctoR CyCle 5 • instRuctoR PReP CyCle 2 • Dive technician PaRticiPate in oR teach coMPlete the following to instRuctoR level * utD iDc PReP * cylinDeR anD valve insPection technician PaRticiPate in oR inteRn * technical gas BlenDeR * utD instRuctoR DeveloPMent couRse * RegulatoR seRvice technician * scooteR / DPv CyCle 6 • instuctoR tRaineR woRKshoP PaRticiPate in oR teach a MiniMuM of thRee CyCle 3 • technical Dive instRuctoR * utD instRuctoR DeveloPMent couRse PaRticiPate in oR teach these couRses * technical DiveR 1 ContaCt unifieD teaM Diving +1 760-585-9676, ext 2 * technical DiveR 2 * technical DiveR golD [email protected] www.utDscuBaDiving.coM * class inteRnshiPs anD exPeRience Dives