USS Niagara Membership Handbook & By?Laws
Article VI
Senior Officers
Section 1: Positions and Qualifications
All Senior Officers shall be members in good standing with STARFLEET International.
The Senior Officers shall be considered the commanding officer, the first officer and the
executive officer. All Officers must take and receive a minimum grade of “PASS” on both the
OTS and OCC tests through STARFLEET Academy
All Officers must be a minimum of 18 years old. Specific qualifications for each position
are outlined below.
Commanding Officer/Chapter President
The Commanding Officer (Ships Captain) shall function as the Chapter President. The
role of the Commanding Officer is defined within official STARFLEET by?laws. The Commanding
Officer reports to the Regional Coordinator. The Commanding Officer will hold a minimum rank
of Captain within the Chapter. Unlike Naval tradition, Captains of SFI vessels CAN NOT perform
LEGAL marriages (unless they are also an Ordained Minister) – see Ship Chaplain.
The commanding officer shall be required to:
? Be an active member of the ship and STARFLEET and maintain that membership
? Have completed the required courses of study provided by STARFLEET for the purpose
of authorizing promotion to that rank ( Officer’s Training Course and the Officer’s
Command Course. If promoted to a rank above captain, the commanding officer will be
required to complete all required courses for that rank as well, such as flag officers
? Be ready and willing to accept all responsibilities of command including the filing of and
maintaining of all reports, the assignments of Ship’s crew, and the providing of
leadership to the members of the ship.
? Be able to coordinate the actions of the crew, schedule and organize meetings of the
ship, designate locations, and preside over the meetings within the precepts of good
o To foster a feeling of comradeship within the crew of the ship.
o Shall lead by example and is expected to act as a liaison between STARFLEET,
other ships and the crew of the USS Niagara.
? To take action to provide the smooth working of the crew and provide a means of
solving internal problems weather between ships members, or between members and
? Sit as a member of the Charity Committee
? Submit in a timely manner all required STARFLEET reports.