USS Niagara Membership Handbook & By?Laws
All votes on a motion will first be taken and recorded from those members and proxy’s
present at the meeting. The motion will then be sent to all active members not present at the
meeting via electronic means within 24 hours. Voting will be allowed on the motion for a period
of 10 days, at the end of which the commanding officer (or his designee) shall tally the votes
and release the results to the membership via electronic means within 24 hours. The results of
the vote shall not be released until after the 10 day period. A longer period of time may be
designated by the commanding officer (or their designee) in the event of a holiday or some
other unforeseen event falling within the voting period.
Section 10: Proxy Voting
Any member in good standing may designate another member in good standing who is
attending the meeting to vote as their proxy. A proxy may be designated when the member
does not have access to the internet for voting. This may include a temporary (in the event of
travel) or extended situation. The list of proxy members and who they are voting for must be
presented at the beginning of the meeting and entered into the meeting minutes. Members
voting as a proxy are allowed to cast one vote as a proxy and one vote as an active member.