USS Niagara Membership Handbook & By?Laws
(but not limited to) actions which address approval of recruitment; approval of promotions and
awards or financial action that must be completed within a limited time period.
The command crew shall only deal with business which requires the immediate action of
the ship, such as matters which address the active status of the Ship. Votes taken during a
command crew meeting shall be recorded in the Ship’s minutes, and be maintained as part of
the official record available to any active member.
Voting on matters requiring the command crew’s attention shall be conducted via
electronic methods, preferably electronic mail, so that a permanent record can be kept.
Command crew members may each cast one vote at a command crew meeting, with a
majority needed for the action to pass. Items presented for a vote at a command crew meeting
may be tabled by the commanding officer, and presented to the general membership at the
next meeting.
Should an item presented receive a “NO” vote, a revote may be called for, but only one.
No subject presented at a command crew meeting for a vote shall be brought before the
command crew a second time at the same meeting if said subject receives two (2) “NO” votes.
However, the member bringing the action to the command crew may present the same action
as a motion at a general membership meeting.
Section 4: Charity Committee Meetings
The charity committee shall consist of 3 members: the commanding officer, executive
officer and the charity coordinator.
Any active member of the Ship may make charity donation recommendations to the
charity committee. The charity committee shall have the authority to make donations in the
name of the Ship to a limit of $50.00. For donations greater than $50.00, a motion must be
made to the Ship’s membership. Requests for donations greater than $50.00 shall not exceed
1/6th the total of the ships treasury.
All donations under the $50.00 limit will be reported to the membership in the next
edition of the newsletter and also by notice at the next meeting.
In no case shall charitable donations made by the Ship reduce the Ship’s treasure below
$100, as set forth in this document.
Section 5: Special Meetings
A special meeting shall be considered any meeting or gathering of the Ship’s
membership outside the other meeting guidelines set forth in this document. Special meetings
can include the Anniversary Dinner, the annual Family Picnic and the Christmas party, but are
by no means limited to these events.
A special meeting may be scheduled by the commanding officer (or his designee) should
the need arise.
Notification of the special meeting shall be done in accordance with the guidelines
presented in this article.