USS Niagara Membership Handbook & By?Laws
Article V
Meetings of Members
Section 1: Types of Meetings
? General Membership Meetings
? Command Crew Meetings
? Charity Committee Meetings
? Special Meetings
Section 2: General Membership Meetings
A general membership meeting shall be held at least six (6) times per year, in a location
to be set by the commanding officer, or as recommended by the executive and/or first officer.
The meeting shall be held in an informal manner but guided by the rules of proper order and
decorum, and may be conducted live (that is, in a real?world location) or online (via some form
of electronic medium), at the discretion of the commanding officer.
The start time of the meetings shall be no later than 1800 hrs. (6:00 p.m.), with the
general guideline being 1700 hrs. (5:00 p.m.). The meetings shall end no later than 2300 hrs.
(11:00 p.m.), with the general guideline being 2000 hrs. (8:00 p.m.).
A general membership meeting may be held at the private residence of any member
with the prior approval by the general membership at the previous meeting.
The commanding officer shall be the chairperson of the meetings. In the commanding
officer’s absence, the first officer or executive officer (as per the chain of command defined in
this document) shall assume the position of chairperson.
It shall be the Ship’s normal practice to suspend General Membership meetings for the
months of June, July and August.
A quorum for general membership meetings, either live or online, shall be a minimum
number of five (5) active members.
All votes held at any general membership meeting shall require a positive vote of 10
active members to accept the motion. This vote may be done at the meeting and by email.
Section 3: Command Crew Meetings
A Command Crew Meeting shall be held whenever deemed necessary by the Ship’s
commanding officer (or his designee). The command crew shall consist of the commanding
officer, first officer, exe