When walking past your local book next time look in the window, you won't be surprised to see "Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson. The premise of her new book is that the common pesticides we use every day are killing us and the world around us. The common anti-bug spray, DDT is killing more than it is helping. Her argument is that yes DDT gets rid of the insects that eat crops, but this not only changes the food chain but changes how animals can react to manmade chemicals. There is research that suggests the chemicals in DDT kill hundreds of thousands of animals and plant species a year, not to mention the effects on humans, such as a higher risk for cancer and death in young and older humans. In reaction to this book many people are asking the government for regulations to the amount of car and factory emissions and asking for other legislations to deal with the pollution. The US government is on track to pass the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and the Endangered Species Act to keep pollution to a minimum and protect wildlife. At a UNESCO Conference in San Francisco, peace activist John McConnell proposed a day to honor the Earth and the concept of peace, hence the creation of Earth Day which will be annually celebrated on April 22nd.
Gay Pride
Everyone knows of the discrimination against gay people, but until now they have not had any sympathy put towards them nor have they acted out to gain different rights. In the suburban area of Greenwich Village in New York City there is a gay bar called "Stonewall Inn," this establishment used to be a straight bar but was bought out and is unique because is the only public gay bar in NYC. But the discrimination of the New York City PD was unnecessary especially to the point that they took their actions to. On the morning of June 28, 1969 pain clothed police officers entered the establishment and raided it for proof of non-legal alcohol sales and illegal cleanliness procedures. When the police escorted the customers outside the homeless youth of the area got involved and started to fight back against the police starting a riot. Shortly after this event the Gay Liberation Front was formed. The goal of the GLF was to allow all types of people no matter what their attraction what to be able to display that attrition anywhere. The
organization started to
spread to different
countries and was a
global effort for