JFK Assassanation
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12:30 on November 22, 1963 the beloved John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated in his conversable town car during a parade in Dallas, TX. The Secret Service extremely discouraged the president riding in an open vehicle but he made them let him. After a couple hour chase the shooter was apprehended in a movie theater. The shooter, Lee Harvey Oswald was found to have been acting alone and had no accomplices. Before Oswald’s trail he was shot and killed by Jack Ruby. The public though disagrees with the statement that Oswald acted alone, over 60% of interviewed people believed that the shooting was a conspiracy.
After the assassination, Vice President Johnson took the oath inside Air Force One. JFk was one the most memorable presidents in the US' history. He did many things for our country both domestic and foreign affairs. The biggest thing is known for is the Cuban Missile Crisis, but he was one of the greatest presidents this country has seen.