Upadhyaya June 2013 | Page 45

52 . In order to avoid procedural delays and consequent public harassment , should the documentation and procedural compliance requiredfor obtaining public services be outsourced to professional agencies , while retaining decision making within the Government Department ? If so , for what public services can such outsourcing be thought of ?
53 . To allow public easy access to various Government services , should Government encourage call centers like 108 , 100 etc . to record public demand and forward it to the concerned Department for time bound action ? If so , please suggest the services in your Department that can be accessed by public through dedicated a Call Center system .
54 . Should Government fix action protocols for public servants to comply with while rendering public services , once a request from citizen for such service is received by the Government system ? If so , please suggest the services for which such protocols should be framed on a priority basis .
55 . Several new laws aiming to secure rights of the citizens are being enacted inter-alia requiring public servants to perform new roles and to conform to new procedures while dealing with public . For effective implementation of such laws , should there be a continuous programme of training , education and awareness creation for Government servants ? Can you suggest such laws , programmes and schemes for which special training , education and awareness programmes are required to be conducted for better implementation ?.
56 . Does your Department have requisite infrastructure for the periodic training of officers and staff at all level and for the education of stakeholders in respect of new laws / policies and programmes ? Do you have any suggestions for improvement ?.
57 . Do you have any further suggestion for the development of human resources in Government departments to meet people ’ s expectations and enhance public delivery ?.
If you feel that any issue which is within the terms of reference of the Pay Revision Commission , but not covered in the Questionnaire , such issues may be identified and indicate your point of view on such issues . The University authorities / Service Associations of the Non-Teaching Staff and the individual employees of the Universities may also enumerate their suggestions with special reference to the conditions of their service in the Universities . The Commission expects that the suggestions made are comprehensive and supported by data and probable financial implications . Where the proposed suggestions involve financial implications please indicate them in the following formats : -
Suggestions involving financial implications :
SLNo Issue
Item No . in
To mitigate
The difficulty
Note : a . Illustration may be given below if necessary . b . Each item shall be on separate sheet unless they are related to each other . c . The Govt . order relied for stating the existing provision may be enclosed d . Each sheet has to be signed .
Format-II Suggestions involving New Schemes :
SLNo Issue New Scheme Proposed Need Justification Financil Implications
In case where suggestions are made for the continuation or otherwise of the existing
Issue No
Item No . in
If continuance is
If discontinuance is suggested
furnish reasons
Without modifications With modifications pHé 2013
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