Upadhyaya June 2013 | Page 46

1. Stepping up of pay:-
9 th Pay Revision commission in its report given opportunity to step up the pay of the senior to equal the pay of the junior. Government issued orders accordingly. But in the said G. O. stepping up of pay should be done to the employees of equal cadres only. This gave opportunity to anomalies. School Assistants who joined on the same date in different cadres viz – SA Maths, S. A. Bio. Science, S. A. Physical Science S. A. Social studies S. A. Telugu, and S. A. Hindi are getting different basic pays due to the stepping up of pay is being done to the employees of same cadre. Hence we propose you to stepping up facility should be given to the employees of same category instead of same cadre.
2. FR 22( b) provision should be continued
3. 6g( 1) provision should be restored, 6g( 1) should be availed in Automatic Advancement scheme also.
4. Automatic Advancement scheme.
Pay Revision commissioner of 9 th PRC has recommended that where the service rules are relaxed to enable regular promotions, they should be automatically extended to get the benefits under Automatic Advancement Scheme. After that Government has issued orders accordingly vide G. O. Ms. No. 93 Dt. 3-4-2010. In the said G. O. 3( Viii)( d) the same was incorporated.
Later Finance Department issued a clarification vide G. O. Ms. No. 03448 / 248 / PC II / 2011 Dt. 4-2-2012 saying that one has to pass depart mental tests to get the Special Promotion Post II scale in Automatic Advancement Scheme, though they are getting promotion.
So we propose that exemption from Departmental Tests to be given to the teachers as they are getting promotion scarcely.
5. Full Dearness Allowance on Half Pay Leave:
Full Dearness Allowance on Half Pay Leave should be restored. Full D. A. on Half pay leave was given up to 2005 PRC Now we are proposing to restore the facility.
6. Half pay Leave encashment to Teachers of Local Bodies
Encashment of Half Pay Leave was provided in 2010 PRC. But Government issued Memo No. 7380 / P. E ser – I / 2012 Dt. 10-12-2012 saying that encashment of Half Pay Leave facility given in 2010 PRC to Government employees only. As panchayat Raj, Municipal and Aided employees are not Government employees, this facility is not extended to them. As PRC 2010 itself is extended to all employees, viz., Government, Aided, Local bodies, we could not understand how can this facility is applicable only to Government Employees.
In this connection we are proposing that Half Pay Leave encashment facility should be extended to all employees of all managements who are getting salaries from the Government Exchequer or from Government Grants. And we further proposing that any facility, relaxation or recommendation proposed by Pay Revision Commission should be applied to the employees of all managements who are getting their wages from Government Exchequer or from Grants of the Government.
7. House sites should be provided to all Employees prior to retirement.
8. Children of the teachers should be given free seats in Educational Institutions as in the case of RTC and Railway Employees.
9. Teachers shall be provided rent free quarters at the place of work as in the case of Residential Schools.
10. The Physical Education Teachers who are involved in coaching the school children for the participation in games and sports at Rural, Mandal, District, State and National level, Besides they are required to wear special dress and shoes while they are on duty. We therefore propose to pay Special Allowance @ 20 % on the basic pay.
11. Teachers shall be granted study leave atleast two years in the career for improving their qualifications at their own cost.
12. Previously Bad Climate Allowance was allowed to the Teachers, who are working in Agency Area. This facility was withdrawn in 1999 PRC. Hence we request to concede to restore bad climate Allowance to the Teachers / Employees who are working in Agency Area.
13. We propose to create Head Master Post in Primary / Upper Primary Schools with separate scale as in the case of Secondary School Head Master Allowance to be recommended to non panel Head Master working in Secondary School as in the case of Primary / Upper Primary Schools.
At present Special Compensatory Allowance is allowed to the notified Tribal Areas, but this allowance is not paid to the certain hamlet villages of Revenue Village. All hamlets of notified Tribal Revenue Villages shall be allowed Special Compensatory Allowance. Certain Mandal Head Quarters are plain areas. Many villages of those mandals are notified Tribal Areas. So all these Tribal Villages should also be allowed Special Compensatory Allowance. Hill top hamlets / villages( no – mandals) should be allowed higher rates of Special Compensatory Allowance than the Mandal Head Quarters / Villages of the notified Tribal Areas. ñbÕ < Ûë ´ j · T 44 pHé 2013