( d) If“ No” what suggestions you would like to make?
43.( a) Do you feel that the amount of education advance being paid to the employees is sufficient?
( b) If“ No” what suggestions you would like to make?
Advance for the expenses of education is not adequate and it should be doubled.
( c) Do you consider that the maximum number of installments of recovery of the principal / is sufficient?
( d) If“ No” what suggestions you would like to make?
44. What should be the cap on the total amount of loans that a Government servant can take to avoid high level of
The loan amount should not be more than 20 months salary( Total emoluments) of the employee.
45.( a) Do you feel that the existing amount of reimbursement of tuition fees paid by the employees in respect of their children is adequate?
( b) If“ No” what suggestions you would like to make?
Tuition fees paid to the employees is not adequate. It should be on par with the fee prescribed by Government of Andhra Pradesh for different courses.
46.( a) Do you consider that the existing system of concessional bus pass facility to certain categories of employees to travel by A. PS. R. T. C. buses in notified municipal corporation areas is sufficient?
( b) If“ No” what are the modifications you would like to suggest?
Bus passes should be given to the teachers.
( c) Do you feel that it is necessary to extend similar facility to the employees working in other cities / towns in the state where A. P. S. R. T. C. is operating city services?
( d) If“ yes” suggest the cities / towns you would like the facilities to be extended?
Hyderabad, Visakhapatnam, Tirupati, Vijayawada, Warangal, Kurnool, Guntur, Kakinada, and where ever the city bus services run by APSRTC bus passes should be provided.
There is a continual transformation in the functioning of Government Departments, due to increased focus on Economic Development and Public Welfare, emphasis on transparency and accountability and time bound delivery of citizen centric services. Information and Communication Technology is now extensively being used in Government Departments to monitor programmes. In order to respond to the new and emerging challenges, Government Departments, need to undertake review of existing Human Resources to workout effective organizational strategy for the future. Given the challenges faced by the government and the tasks on hand, please comment on the following aspects of human resources in your Department.
47.( a) Whether the manpower availability in your Department is adequate to meet the present day work requirement? Please state for each category separately.
Name of Category Sanctioned Availability Requirement( No.)( No.)( No.)
( b) What steps are preferred to rectify the problem of excess / shortfall? Please state for each category separately with a brief explanation. i) Recruitment ii) Hiring on contract iii) Hiring through outsourcing iv) Re-deployment v) De-centralization and Delegation of authority vi) Re-organization of staff / field units vii) Outsourcing of services / activities to professional agencies viii) Training and Skill up-gradation of existing staff ix) Use of Information and Communication Technology( ICT) x) Improve mobility xi) Closure of non-functional units xii) Privatization of units xiii) Any other
48. Please state in brief the Programs / Schemes / Institutions of the Department which immediately require review of its man power for improved service delivery and working.
49. Should there be a change in the hiring policy of Government to attract person of requisite talent for different category of posts? Presently, recruitment is being done through DSC / APPSC or on contract and outsourcing basis. Please state for each Category separately.
50. Should the job description of Govt. Functionaries at various levels that was fixed long back, be redefined to clearly delineate new areas of responsibility and corresponding levels of accountability? And if so, should the recruitment rules forvarious levels of Govt. Posts be also changed to prescribe for higher qualifications as may be considered appropriate? Please give your views and the categories of posts for which these changes are required.
51. Should the Government, instead of hiring new personnel for the work, as well think ofoutsourcing repetitive and non-regularity type of services / activities to professional agencies for timely performance according to prefixed standards, on payment basis. If so, please suggest the services / activities of the department that can be outsourced. ñbÕ < Ûë ´ j · T 42 pHé 2013