iv ) Creation of pension fund and investment of Pension fund .
Creation of pension fund is not correct and it also against the interests of employees . Hence investment of pension fund does not arise . Hence we support old pension scheme and we want to abolishe new Contributory Pensions Scheme .
37 . ( a ) Do you have any other suggestions to improve the economic status of the serving employees / pensioners , on the items coming under the ambit of the P . R . C ?
( b ) If “ Yes ” furnish the same in detail with due justification .
To improve the economic status of the Employees / Pensioners
- Government should provide housing near to the work place
- Commodities to be supplied at reasonable prices . - Prices should be controlled . - Free Education for the children of employees should be provided up to Post Graduate level .
- Free Medical Services should be provided to the family members of the Employees / Pensioners .
38 . ( a ) Do you feel that the amount of advance being paid to the employees for purposes of purchase of site / purchase of ready built house / purchase of site16 cumconstruction of a house / construction of a house on the site already owned / for undertaking repairs , additions , extensions to the house already owned by the employee , is sufficient ?
( b ) If “ No ” what suggestions would you like to make ?
Advance for house construction should be doubled .
( c ) Do you consider that the maximum number of installments of recovery of the principal / interest is sufficient ?
( d ) If “ No ” what are your suggestions ?
( e ) Do you consider that the rates of recovery of interest / penal interest are Adequate ?
( f ) If ‘ No ” indicate your suggestions .
39 . ( a ) Do you feel that the quantum of advance being paid to the employees for the purchase of conveyances ,( viz .) motor car , motor cycle / scooter , moped and bicycle is adequate ?
( b ) If “ No ” what suggestions you would like to make ?
Advance for the purchase of conveyances should be doubled .
( c ) Do you consider that the maximum number of installments of recovery of the principle / interest is sufficient ?
pHé 2013
( d ) If “ No ” what suggestions you would like to make ?
( e ) Do you consider that the rates of recovery of interest / penal interest are adequate ?
( f ) If “ No ” indicate your suggestions
40 .( a ) Do you feel that the quantum of advance being paid to the employees , for the celebration of marriage of themselves / sons / daughters is sufficient ?
( b ) If “ No ” what are the suggestions you would like to make ?
Advance for the marriage should be quadrupled
( c ) Do you consider that the maximum number of installments of recovery of the principal / interest is sufficient ?
( d ) If “ No ” what suggestions you would like to make ?
( e ) Do you consider that the rates of recovery of interest / penal interest are adequate ?
( f ) If “ No ” indicate your suggestions .
41 . ( a ) Do you feel that the amount of advance being paid to the officers for the purchase of personal computer is sufficient ?
( b ) If “ No ” what suggestions you would like to make ?
Advance for the purchase of computer should be doubled .
( c ) Do you consider that the maximum number of installments of recovery of the principal / interest is sufficient ?
( d ) If “ No ” what suggestions you would like to make ?
( e ) Do you consider that the rates of recovery of interest / penal interest are adequate ?
( f ) If “ No ” indicate your suggestion .
42 . ( a ) Do you feel that the amount of festival advance being paid the employees is adequate ?
( b ) If “ No ” what suggestions you would like to make ?
Festival Advance should be doubled and should be given to all employees other than Gazetted Officers .
( c ) Do you consider that the maximum number of installments of recovery of the principal is sufficient ?
Yes ñbÕ < Ûë ´ j · T