minimum of Rs 10,000 to be enhanced to Rs . 20,000 to the pensioners as the prices of all commodities increased .
b ) In the case of death of the spouse , where the spouse predeceases the Pensioner , the quantum of relief is fixed at
Rs . 10000 / -. Does it adequate ?
If No , please indicate the reasons .
As the prices of all commodities increased abruptly quantum of death relief in the case of death of the spouse should be enhanced from Rs 10,000 to Rs 20,000 .
( c ) In the case of Family Pensioner , the quantum of Death Relief is fixed at Rs . 10,000 / -. Is it adequate ?
If No , please indicate the reasons .
As the prices of all commodities increased abruptly , quantum of death relief in the case of Family Pensioner should be enhanced from Rs . 10,000 to Rs . 20,000 / -
29 . ( a ) The pensioners are being compensated towards the rise in the cost of living by way of Dearness Relief on pension / family pension at the same rate as sanctioned to the serving employees . Is it adequate ?
( b ) If “ No ” suggest modifications ?
30 .( a ) Do you think that the existing procedure of verifying of service , submission of pension papers , issue of PPO / GPO
by A . G . etc . requires any modification ?
( b ) If “ Yes ” suggest modifications ?
31 .( a ) Do you consider the quantum of anticipatory / provisional pension is adequate ?
( b ) If “ No ” suggest modifications ?
32 .( a ) There is a need to provide medical facilities to the pensioners who have served the Government . Do you consider that the existing medical facilities are adequate ?
( b ) Do you feel that the proposed Health Card System is suitable substitute to the existing medical reimbursement ? Indicate your view .
( c ) If “ No ” suggest modifications duly justifying .
( d ) If you have any other suggestions for better medical care to pensioners , please indicate .
33 . Financial Assistance :
At present Financial assistance is admissible to such of the survivors to whom either service pension or family pension is not admissible i . e ., teachers and Non- Teaching Staff of Aided Educational Institutions and Ex-District Boards who retired or died while in service prior to 01-04-1961 . As per the recommendations of 10th PRC , a minimum of Rs . 3,350 / - p . m . is being sanctioned as Financial Assistance without Dearness Relief . Do you feel that the above Financial Assistance is adequate ? Please indicate your
considered views .
Financial assistance should be Rs . 15,000 / - ( Minimum Wage )
34 . Of late , the information technology is expanding rapidly . The fruits of developed technology have to be made available to the citizens . The bureaucracy has to take an active part in this regard . Total reliability on outsourcing is not a solution and the regular employees have to get trained and well acquainted with the latest technology . Naturally , the compensation and the serving conditions of the State Government have to invariably attract the young and talented . In the light of the above position ,
( a ) Do you feel that the existing pay structure and the
service conditions attract such talented young personnel ?
( b ) If “ No ” suggest measures to be taken to attract such talented young personnel ?
The present pay structure is not attracting talented young people . Young people are not preferring Government service as they are getting much higher wages in private sector . Further every one want to go to foreign countries to earn more and they see their future on foreign soils . To utilise the human resources and young talent available in the state Government has to establish industries using our enoromous National resources .
35 . ( a ) Of late the exposure of Government employees to terrorism has increased . Do you consider the existing compensation / package to the kith and kin to those who are losing their lives and limbs in terrorist activities to be
adequate ? No
( b ) If “ No ” suggest measures for improving compensation ?
Compensation should be enhanced - 100 %
36 . Please suggest measures
i ) To reduce Govt . expenditure
- NIL ii ) To improve the State resources
- NIL iii ) To meet the growing liability on pension
- NIL ñbÕ < Ûë ´ j · T 40 pHé 2013