Upadhyaya June 2013 | Page 39

( b ) If no , suggest the duration of service for allowing Automatic Advancement Grades ?
Present system of Automatic Advancement Scheme with the periodicity of 6 / 12 / 18 / 24 years should be modified to 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 years
11 . ( a ) Do you support the existing system of limiting the promotion scales to the Special Promotion Posts I-A ( after 12years ), Special Promotion Posts I-B ( after 18 years ) and
Special Promotion Posts II ( after 24 years )?
( b ) If “ no ”, what is your suggestions ?
Existing System of Promotion Scale should be modified as Special Grade scale ( After 5 years ) Special Promotion Post I-A ( After 10years ) Special Promotion Post I-B ( After 15 years ) Special Promotion Post II-A ( After 20 years ) Special Promotion Post II-B ( After 25 years )
It is a general phenomena that while assigning a pay scale , to a particular post , the qualifications , nature of duties , whether general or arduous nature of duties , areas of operation etc ., are taken into consideration . The other argument is that the pay scale is assigned for normal duties and when the job requires special skills or arduous nature of duties or where the employee has to work in remote areas etc ., there should be compensation by way of special pay or special allowance .
12 . Which argument do you support ? ( Tick in one of the box indicating your view )
( a ) Sanction of Separate Special Pay ? ✔
If yes , indicate the categories for which Special Pays are requested and quantum of special pay .
Special pay to be sanctioned to the teachers of all categories to buy books and magazines and to go to educational tours to update their knowledge in the region of their subject
( b ) Or the pay structure should take care of it ? If so what should be that pay structure , category-wise ? 13 . Dearness Allowance
The State Government is sanctioning Dearness Allowance Twice a year ; on first January and first July as in the case of Central Government employees . The successive PRCs are recommending conversion formula , to ensure that the quantum of Dearness Allowance sanctioned is at par with what was sanctioned by the Government of India . ( a ) Do you feel that the present system is adequate or inadequate ? If inadequate please indicate suitable suggestions / modifications .
Present system of sanctioning Dearness Allowance Twice in a year as in the case of Central Government employees holds good . But employees are deprived of getting justice as Central Government sanctioning Dearness Allowance to their employees on the basis of Wholesale Price Index . But employees , Teachers and workers of all over India are purchasing their provisions in retail shops not in the wholesale market . There is a large gap between Wholesale Price and retail price , and also there is a gap between Wholesale price Index and Consumer Price Index . Employees , Teachers , Workers and Pensioners are suffering a lot . Hence we propose that Dearness Allowance should be calculated on the basis of Consumer Price Index .
14 . City Compensatory Allowance
( a ) Do you feel that the present system of City Compensatory allowance based on pay ranges is adequate or inadequate ? If inadequate , please indicate suitable
suggestions / modifications .
Inadequate , City Compensatory Allowance should be enhanced 100 %.
( b ) Based on the recommendations of 6th C . P . R . C , the Central Government employees are being sanctioned Transport Allowance duly abolishing of CCA . Do you feel the Transport Allowance may be sanctioned to the State Government employees in lieu of CCA . If so , indicate suitable suggestions / modifications .
15 . House Rent Allowance
( a ) As per the existing classification , HRA is being paid based on classification of Cities / towns on population basis subject to a maximum ceiling . Do you feel that the existing classification of cities / towns is alright for sanction of House
Rent Allowance ?
( b ) If “ No ”, what classification , the quantum of House Rent Allowance you would like to suggest for various places ?
Regarding House Rent Allowance along with classification and quantum of house rent allowance should be modified as house rent in smallest of the towns in Andhra Pradesh is very high . Present HRA is not sufficient to meet the demands . So we are proposing following classification and HRA . Hyderabad , Vijayawada , Visakha Corporations – 40 % Other Municipal Corporations and all District Headquarters – 30 % Towns which are being covered @ 14.5 % HRA in the present PRC – 25 % All other towns and Villages which are being covered @ 12 % HRA in the present PRC – 20 % pHé 2013
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