Upadhyaya June 2013 | Page 40

16 . ( a ) Do you feel that the existing rates of House Rent Allowance are adequate ?
( b ) If “ No ”, suggest the rate or quantum of H . R . A to be paid at various places and the justification thereof .
Hyderabad , Vijayawada , Visakha Corporations – 40 % Other Municipal Corporations and all District Headquarters – 30 % Towns which are being covered @ 14.5 % HRA in the present PRC – 25 % All other towns and Villages which are being covered @ 12 % HRA in the present PRC – 20 %
17 . ( a ) In the Central Government , Government notifies dependent villages of the qualified town for allowing House Rent Allowance . In the State , House Rent Allowance is admissible to the employees working in offices located within 8 K . Ms . distance from the periphery of the qualified cities / towns to the center of the village at the rates as admissible at qualified cities / towns . The District Collector , based on the certificate from the Executive Engineer concerned will notify such places . Do you advocate for continuance of the existing
system ?
( b ) If “ No ”, what is your suggestion on this ?
18 . LTC and other Allowances :
( a ) Do you feel that the existing system of Leave Travel Concession is adequate ?
( b ) If “ No ”, suggest modifications , duly justifying the same .
Leave Travel Concession should be given to the employees for every two years . But Leave Travel Concession should be given every year to the teachers , as they have to acquire knowledge and to be familiar with places of historical and archeological importance . Further , Leave Travel Concession to be given for the teachers to tour all over India .
19 . ( a ) Do you think the present system of sanction of Tour T . A ., Daily Allowances Transfer T . A , F . T . A , other than Special Pay or Perquisites either in cash or in kind is adequate ?
( b ) Do you think the present system of sanction of Uniform Allowance , Risk Allowance , Conveyance Allowance , any Special Allowance etc ., other than Special Pay or Perquisites either in cash or in kind is adequate ?
( c ) If “ No ”, suggest modifications duly justifying the same .
All allowances should be increased . The increase should be 100 % for all allowances such as uniform allowance , conveyance allowance or any other special allowance
20 . Medical facilities :
( a ) Do you consider that the existing medical facilities available including the system of reimbursement in respect
of serving Government employees is adequate ?
( b ) If no , indicate your suggestions for their modification duly justifying them .
Medical reimbursement which is on implementation to Govt . employees is not adequate and could not meet the requirements of the employees . For many diseases Govt . announced certain package rates . But the hospitals which were recognized by the Government of Andhra Pradesh as referral hospitals . They are charging much higher rates for the treatment or surgery . They are much higher than package rates of Government of Andhra Pradesh . Further 2 lakhs ceiling for the medical reimbursement is not adequate . As corporate hospitals charging more , employees have to pay from their pockets . There is no control on private corporate hospitals regarding charges of medical services . They are charging according to their whims and fancies . This is also to be changed .
( c ) Do you have any other alternative suggestions to
improve Medical facilities to the employees ?
At least Five Multi Specialty Hospitals with required infrastructure , facilities and human resources should be established by the Government in every District . Treatment in the hospitals should be at free of cost . If that hospital cannot provide any services in that case only one has to go to corporate hospital . Keeping in view of this , the Government has to take necessary steps Central Government Health Scheme may be adopted for best results .
( d ) Govt ., are contemplating to provide cashless treatments by issuing Health Cards to employees and pensioners . Do you consider that the proposed Health Card system is a suitable substitute for the existing medical reimbursement ?
( e ) If “ Yes ” furnish the same in detail . 21 . Obsequies Charges
( a ) Is the quantum of obsequies charges being paid at present , in the case of death of the employees adequate ?
No .
( b ) If “ No ” suggest any modifications with justification .
Quantum of obsequies charges should be enhanced from Rs . 10,000 / - to Rs 20,000 / - ñbÕ < Ûë ´ j · T 38 pHé 2013