Upadhyaya June 2013 | Page 38

( c ) The Central Government has introduced differential rate of increment linking it to performance . Do you suggest for adoption of the above system for the State Government
employees also ?
( d ) If your opinion is “ Yes ” then what is your suggestion for the yardstick to be followed to assess efficiency ?
6 . Common Categories
The common categories are those categories of posts which exist in almost all departments with similar nature of duties and qualifications such as posts belonging to Andhra Pradesh Last Grade Services , Andhra Pradesh Ministerial Services etc .
( a ) Do you suggest for continuation of categorization of Common Categories ?
( b ) If yes do you suggest continuation ( Tick any of the box indicating your view )
As it is ✔ with modifications
( c ) In case you advocate for continuation with modifications what would be the modifications you suggest ?
7 . Stagnation increments
( a ) According to one school of thought , the system of shifting the employee , when he reached the maximum of pay scale , to the next pay scale is good as it will give a satisfaction that the employee is in a better scale and also continue to draw increments uninterruptedly . In the light of this , do you support sanction of stagnation increments or shift to next scale on reaching the maximum of the scale ? ( Tick any of the box indicating your view )
Stagnation increments Shift to next scale ✔ ( b ) If you support sanction of stagnation increments
whether the existing provision of three increments is sufficient ?
( c ) If “ No ” how many increments do you suggest ?
( d ) In case you advocate for continuation of stagnation increments with modifications what would be the modifications you suggest ?
( e ) The sanction of stagnation increments is in vogue since a long time . It has been continued even after introducing Automatic Advancement Scheme with the periodicity was 8 / 16 / 24 years . Now that periodicity has been revised to 6 / 12 / 18 / 24 , which serves the larger interest of the employees , sanctioning of stagnation increments will not serve any purpose . More so , when it does not confer any additional benefits . Is there any justification for its continuance .
Please justify the necessity for continuance of the stagnation increments .
( f ) In case you support shifting to next scale , please give your justification .
After introducing Automatic Advancement scheme with the periodicity of 6 / 12 / 18 / 24 years , no one is reaching maximum pay of the scale . So there is no need to continue stagnation increments . In view of this we are supporting the proposal of shifting to next scale . If any one reaches maximum pay of the scale he should be shifted to next scale and further on .
8 . Outsourcing staff :
( a ) In the context of Outsourcing of certain categories of staff do you supportcontinuation of the existing system in addition to the staff working underWork Charged establishment / Daily Wage and contingent ( full time / parttime ) establishment ?
( b ) If yes do you suggest continuation ( Tick any of the box indicating your view )
As it is with modifications
( c ) In case you advocate for continuation with modifications what modifications would you like to suggest ?
The Government introduced Automatic Advancement Scheme in 1981 . The successive commissions recommended for continuance of the scheme suggesting some modifications and the scheme is being implemented duly carrying out the modifications recommended by the successive Pay Revision Commissions . The Central Government is also implementing the Career Advancement schemes which are almost similar to the Automatic Advancement scheme in vogue in the State Government .
9 . ( a ) In view of the above , do you suggest for continuation of Automatic Advancement Scheme ?
( b ) If yes do you suggest continuation ( Tick any one of the box indicating your view )
As it is with modifications ✔
( c ) In case you advocate for continuation with modifications what the modifications you would like to
suggest ?
Automatic Advancement Scheme should be continued . But the exemption to pass Departmental Tests should be given to the teachers who crossed 50 years of age irrespective of whether they are getting 1 st Promotion scale or 2 nd promotion scale as recommended by 9 th PRC .
10 . ( a ) Do you feel that the revised AAS consisting of 6 / 12 / 18 / 24 years concept is adequate .
If yes . As it is with modifications ñbÕ < Ûë ´ j · T 36 pHé 2013