Upadhyaya June 2013 | Page 37

( d ) Are the existing 32 grades of scales of pay adequate ? Yes
Pay Scale Structure Based on the Master Scale proposed at 3 ( c )
PRC Scales in 2010
Corresponding Scales
Proposed in 2013 PRC
1 .
6700-20110 ( 40 )
1 .
15000-35340 ( 30 )
2 .
6900-20680 ( 40 )
2 .
15450-36400 ( 30 )
3 .
7100-21250 ( 40 )
3 .
15915-37490 ( 30 )
4 .
7520-22430 ( 40 )
4 .
16885-39775 ( 30 )
5 .
7740-23040 ( 40 )
5 .
17390-40970 ( 30 )
6 .
7960-23650 ( 40 )
6 .
17910-42200 ( 30 )
7 .
8440-24950 ( 40 )
7 .
19000-44770 ( 30 )
8 .
9200-27000 ( 40 )
8 .
20760-48925 ( 30 )
9 .
9460-27700 ( 40 )
9 .
21385-50395 ( 30 )
10 . 10020-29200 ( 40 )
10 . 22685-53460 ( 30 )
11 . 10900-31550 ( 40 )
11 . 24785-58415 ( 30 )
12 . 11530-33200 ( 40 )
12 . 26295-61970 ( 30 )
13 . 11860-34050 ( 40 )
13 . 27085-63830 ( 30 )
14 . 12550-35800 ( 40 )
14 . 28735-67715 ( 30 )
15 . 12910-36700 ( 40 )
15 . 29595-69745 ( 30 )
16 . 13660-38570 ( 40 )
16 . 31400-73990 ( 30 )
17 . 14860-39540 ( 38 )
17 . 34310-80850 ( 30 )
18 . 15280-40510 ( 38 )
18 . 35340-83275 ( 30 )
19 . 16150-42590 ( 38 )
19 . 37490-88350 ( 30 )
20 . 18030-43630 ( 35 )
20 . 42200-99435 ( 30 )
21 . 19050-45850 ( 35 )
21 . 44770-102420 ( 29 )
22 . 20680-46960 ( 33 )
22 . 48925-108660 ( 28 )
23 . 21820-48160 ( 32 )
23 . 51905-111920 ( 27 )
24 . 23650-49360 ( 30 )
24 . 56715-115280 ( 25 )
25 . 25600-50560 ( 28 )
25 . 61970-115280 ( 22 )
26 . 27000-51760 ( 27 )
26 . 65745-115280 ( 20 )
27 . 29200-53060 ( 25 )
27 . 71835-118740 ( 18 )
28 . 31550-53060 ( 22 )
28 . 78495-118740 ( 15 )
29 . 34050-54360 ( 20 )
29 . 83275-118740 ( 13 )
30 . 37600-54360 ( 16 )
30 . 88350-122330 ( 12 )
31 . 41550-55660 ( 13 )
31 . 93720-122330 ( 10 )
32 . 44740-55660 ( 10 )
32 . 99435-122330 ( 8 )
Category of Post
Existing Scale Proposed Scale
SGT and its equivalent cadres
School Assistants
Grade II Head Masters
Educational Officer 16150-43630
* 42200-99435
* Mandal Educational officer post is equivalent to Grade II Head Master Post . Both are feeder cadres for the promotion of Dy . Eo / Gr
I H . M . Post . Previous PRC set aside this and said that Mandal Educational Officer Post is only administrative Post , whereas Gr II H . M Post is administrative and academic . Hence 10 th PRC has sanctioned higher scale to Grade II H . M posts in the same cadre have different scales . It is a disparity . So we propose to set right the disparity and Mandal Educational Officers should have the same scale i . e . of Gr II H . M .
( e ) If ‘ No ’, how many grades of scales do you suggest ?
( f ) The Sixth Central Pay Commission introduced the concept of Pay bands and Grade Pay . The 9th Pay Revision Commission had also gone into this question and did not agree for adoption . Do you agree with the above view or else what do you suggest ?
The Central Government Employees could not get equal benefits of their existing basic pay . The Grade pay ranges are from 84 % to 46 %. So Grade pay system proposed by VI Central pay commission is not acceptable . Hence we proposed fitment as percentage on pay .
( g ) In case you advocate for implementation with modifications what modifications you would like to suggest ?
4 . Fitment :
( a ) In the Central Government , during the earlier pay revisions fitment used to be allowed for fixation of pay in the Revised Pay Scales . So is the case with the State Government . In the light of the above , what is your opinion on fitment ?
Fitment should be allowed for fixation of pay in Revised Pay Scales .
( b ) Should it be ( Tick your choice )
i ) A percentage of pay ii ) Increments based on service
( c ) Percentage of fitment Rs ._________/ 69 % .
5 . Increment
( a ) State Government employees are now getting annual increment at the rates ranging from 2.48 % to 2.985 %. Do you think that this is alright ?
( b ) If your opinion is “ No ” then what should be the quantum of increment in your view ? The rationale behind
your suggestion may please be indicated .
Quantum of increment should be 3 %. 9 th PRC also recommends 3 % rate of increment . But in the Master Scale rate of increment was enhanced for every three stages . Hence the average rate of increment is being reduced . So we are proposing the rate of increment at 3 % and it should be given at every stage of the Master Scale
✔ pHé 2013
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