( b ) In your view what should be the parameters for determining a Pay scale for a particular category ?
The following parameters should be considered for determining Pay Scales to categories 1 . Consumer Price Index and ILC norms 2 . Nature of work 3 . Span of Study to acquire qualifications of the particular post . 4 . Responsibility of the job . 5 . Recommendations of Prof . Chatopadh yaya Commission .
( c ) If you are representing a Service Association or heading a department what scales do you suggest for the categories you are representing or the categories under your control based on the parameters mentioned above . Give justification .
We are representing a service association and proposing the scales of teachers . As we suggested in 2 ( b ) the pay scales may be recommended keeping in view of the responsibility , qualifi cations , span of study to acquire qualifications and the nature of work .
In this connection we bring to your notice the following comparative Statement of salary of teachers of State and Central Govt . as on 1-6-
Catagory of Teachers
Central Government State Government Difference
Pay Rs DA @ 64 % Rs |
Total Rs |
Pay Rs |
DA @ 54.784 Rs |
Total Rs |
Rs |
S . G . T |
13,500 |
8,640 |
22,140 |
10,900 |
5,971 |
16,8712 |
5,269 |
S . A |
17,140 |
10,970 |
28,110 |
14,860 |
8,140 |
3,000 |
5,110 |
H . M |
21,000 |
13,440 |
34,440 |
18,030 |
9,878 |
27,908 |
6,532 |
So we propose to set right the disparity between State and Central Government Teachers and to recommend scales on par with Central Government Teachers .
3 . Master Scale : a ) Do you suggest continuation of Master Scale concept ?
Yes b ) If yes , do you suggest continuation ( Tick any of the box indicating your view ).
As it is with modifications ✔ ( c ) In case you advocate for continuation with modifications what modifications you would like to suggest ?
Master Scale should be modified . Minimum and Maximum pay should be changed based on the current prices and Consumer Price Index . Rate of increment should be 3 %. Though the rate of increment is 3 % at present , increment rate was changing every 3 stages . Actually it is at 2.87 %. Hence we are proposing that the rate of increment should be at 3 %, but it should be calculated at every stage of the Master Scale . Keeping in view of this we are proposing the following Master Scale .
Proposed Master Scale
15000- 450 – 15450 – 465 - 15915 – 480 – 16395 - 490 16885 -505 -17390 - 520 - 17910 -535 -18445 - 555 19000 -570 – 19570 - 585- 20155 -605- 20760 - 625 21385 -640 - 22025 – 660-22685 -680 -23365 - 700 24065 -720 - 24785 – 745 -25530-765 -26295 -790 27085 -815 - 27900 - 835-28735 -860-29595 - 890 30485 -915 - 31400 - 940 -32340-970-33310 - 1000 34310 -1030 -35340- 1060-36400-1090-37490- 1125 38615 -1160 -39775-1195- 40970-1230-42200- 1265 43465 -1305 -44770-1345- 46115-1385-47500- 1425 48925 -1470 -50395-1510- 51905-1555-53460- 1605 55065 -1650 -56715-1700- 58415-1750-60165- 1805 61970 -1860-63830- 1915- 65745-1970-67715- 2030 69745 -2090-71835- 2155- 73990-2220-76210- 2285 78495 -2355-80850-2425 - 83275-2500-85775- 2575 88350 -2650-91000-2730 - 93730-2810-96540- 2895 99435 -2985-102420-3075-105495-3165-108660-3260 111920 -3360-115280-3460-118740-3560-122300 ( 72 ) ñbÕ < Ûë ´ j · T 34 pHé 2013