considered 3 members will be there in an average family . Keeping in view of the norms of Fifteenth Indian Labour Congress and based on the rates of commodities in different cities / towns of Andhra Pradesh on 26-5-2013 we get the minimum pay . Paris conference , ILC , and many other International and National Organisations said that the minimum pay of any pay structure should serve the minimum needs of a family considering that the employee is the only bread winner of the family . On the Basis of the minimum needs given by 15 th congress of ILC we have prepared the following Table .
( The Table shows the calculations based on the average prices of commodities as on 26- 5-2013 )
Commodity |
Per Day in |
Per Month |
Cost per Kg |
Total Cast |
Kgs |
* 3CUKgs . |
In Rs |
per Month |
Grams |
in Rs |
Rice / wheat |
475 Grams |
42.750 |
45 |
1924-00 |
Pulses |
80 Grams |
7.200 |
90 |
648-00 |
Vegetables |
100 Grams |
9.000 |
40 |
360-00 |
Leafy Vegetables |
125 Grams |
11.250 |
25 |
281-00 |
Other Vegetables |
75 Grams |
6.750 |
40 |
270-00 |
Fruits |
120 Grams |
10.800 |
90 |
972-00 |
Sugar & Jaggery |
56 Grams |
5.040 |
50 |
252-00 |
Edible Oils |
50 Grams |
4.500 |
100 |
450-00 |
Milk |
200ml |
18 Lits |
42 |
756-00 |
Fish |
2.500 |
200 |
500-00 |
Meat |
- |
5.000 |
260 |
1300-00 |
Eggs |
90 ( N ) |
3.50 p |
315-00 |
Detergents |
- |
- |
600-00 |
Clothing |
5.5Mts |
250 |
1375-00 |
Total |
10,003-00 |
** Add Miscellaneous |
@ 20 % |
2000.60 |
Total |
12003.60 |
*** Add Addl . |
Expenditure |
@ 25 % |
3001-00 |
Grand Total |
15004.60 |
Notes : * 3 CU = 3 Consumption Units of a Family ** Miscellaneous charges towards Fuel , Electricity , Water etc . *** Additional expenditure towards Education , Medical Treatment ,
Recreation , Festivals , Ceremonies etc ., **** So the minimum Wage Should be fixed at Rs . 15,000 / -
( c ) Ratio between the Minimum and Maximum Pay 1:8.15 , What ’ s the rationale ?
To maintain the minimum living standards and to fulfil the family needs at current prices minimum pay should be raised . Therefore we propose to reduce the difference between minimum and maximum pay .
2 . Scale of pay :
As you are aware every post carries a scale of pay with a minimum of the scale , annual increments and maximum , the State Government introduced the concept of Master Scale , it is often said that with the introduction of the Master scale , the concept of pay scale does not have much relevance particularly , to those who are in service . But the craze for the pay scale continues and the demands for a higher scale of pay go on unabated . Very often the employees compare their scale with their counterparts and feel that they get a raw deal in the matter of pay scale . With this , the successive Pay Revision Commissions and the Anomalies Committees repeatedly analyzing the pay scales .
( a ) The pay scale is sort of compensation or remuneration , but the employees seems to be giving much prominence to the pay scale ? please indicate your view on
this aspect .
A separate pay scale to each cadre should be given pHé 2013
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