Upadhyaya June 2013 | Page 34

APTF Proposals to 10 th Pay Revision Commission

“ Minimum wage may be understood to mean the minimum sum payable to a worker for work performed or services rendered , within a given period , whether calculated on the basis of time or output , which may not be reduced either by individual or collective agreement , which is guaranteed by law and which may be fixed in such a way as to cover the minimum needs of the worker and his or her family , in the light of national economic and social conditions .”
To Sri P . K . Agarwal , I . A . S ( Retd ), Commissioner , 10 th Pay Revision Commission , Government of Andhra Pradesh , HYDERABAD . Sir , Sub : Tenth Pay Revision of State Government Employees – Proposals of Andhra Pradesh Teachers ’ Federation ( 257 ) Recognized vide G . O . Ms . No . 167 , GA ( SW ) Department , Dt . 7-7-2004 – submitted – Regarding .
The Andhra Pradesh Teachers ’ Federation is privileged to present the proposals of pay scales and pay structure of teachers of all managements i . e ., Government , Local Bodies , Aided Schools and Tribal welfare Department .
The Andhra Pradesh Teachers ’ Federation was founded in the year 1947 before the British left India . It has the objectives of fighting for universal literacy , National Pay structure and achieve social equality .
The A . P . T . F . has been recognized by the Government of Andhra Pradesh as a service Association . It has a constitution and policy statement with a broader perspective and an effective to programme shape the destiny of the organization in the light of its objectives .
The A . P . T . F . has a membership of over 60,000 in the state and representing all categories , cadres of Teachers working in all managements at all levels i . e . Primary secondary and collegiate . The A . P . T . F . is one of the strongest affiliate organisation of Joint Action Committee of Employees , Teachers , Workers and Pensioners ( JAC ) and Joint Action Committee of Teachers Organisations ( JACTO )
The Andhra Pradesh Teachers ’ Federation has submitted the proposals to the earlier pay Revision Commissions . Proposals submitted by APTF were based on the recommendations of the PARIS conference , 1966 and the Chatopadhyaya commission and the recommendations of sixth central pay Revision commission . Important points of the proposals submitted to the earlier pay commissioner are common uniform service conditions with National Pay Structure to all the teachers in India . It could not be achieved so far .
Teachers , as the moulders of the tomorrow ’ s nation builders to be given high social status and live pay and allowances to live peacefully without any disturbances and to attract more intelligent and efficient persons to this noblest profession and to serve the nation by teaching with devotion in a right direction Teachers should have separate identity when compared to other employees . Keeping in view of the
- International Labour Conference , 79th Session , Geneva , 1992
Qualifications , work load and responsibilities , better pay structure should be given to the teachers in the present Pay Revision .
Keeping in view of the qualifications and status of the Teachers in the society , we propose the following scales to the Teachers in the form of replies to the Questionnaire
In Government of India , based on the recommendations of 5th and 6th PRCs , whenever the D . A . crosses 50 % of the basic pay , it shall be treated as Dearness Pay and the compensatory allowance including D . A . will be calculated based on the Pay Plus Dearness Pay , pending constitution of P . R . Cs as P . R . Cs are usually constituted once in 10 years . The pensionary benefits are also calculated on Pay Plus Dearness pay . The 9th P . R . C . has also recommended that whenever the D . A . reaches 50 % of Basic Pay , all allowances may automatically be increased by 25 %, so that necessity for a P . R . C . at short intervals is eliminated . While the position in the centre is as stated above , in the State , the PRCs are almost constituted once in 5 years . Majority of States are adopting the central pay scales to employees . In the context of the above position , the PRC would like to know your considered views on the following issues :
1 . What is your view on the following ? ( i ) Minimum and Maximum Pay ( a ) Minimum Pay : Rs . 15,000 , ( b ) Maximum Pay : Rs1,22,300 , What ’ s the rationale ? and how are they arrived ( i . e .,) the basis for arriving the minimum and maximum .
Fifteenth Indian labour congress set norms based on the minimum needs i . e . food items , non food items , consumers goods , services like education , medical facilities and entertainment etc . of a family . Fifteenth Indian labour Congress ñbÕ < Ûë ´ j · T 32 pHé 2013