UNSW Research Translation UNSW Research Translation Booklet_V06.1_Linked | Page 26



The NSW Decarbonisation Innovation Hub advances interdisciplinary research , development , and commercialisation in critical areas of emissions reductions . Lead by UNSW and the University of Newcastle , the consortium of partners includes University of Wollongong , Western Sydney University , University of Technology Sydney , Charles Sturt University , the NSW Department of Primary Industries and Climate-KIC .
The Hub provides a platform to fast-track TRL3-TRL5 technologies and products to market . Activities are focused around three networks :
– Electrification and energy systems – to accelerate renewable energy solutions and support the uptake of electrification in other sectors
> $ 15M investment in Hub .
> Key element of NSW Government ’ s strategy to achieve net zero emissions by 2050 .
> Job creation and capacity building in emission reduction technology .
– Land and primary industries – to produce the next wave of sustainable primary industry practices
– Power fuels including hydrogen – to grow a sustainable NSW hydrogen industry and unlock decarbonisation opportunities for hardto-abate sectors beyond 2030
In addition to helping NSW decarbonise at scale , the Hub will support the economic growth of the state through the creation of new jobs and high-tech businesses . 26 •