Dena Criss + The Impact of Microteaching Lesson Study on Instructional Strategies and Teacher Perception of Student Learning Outcomes This presentation will share how microteaching lesson study ( MLS ) can support teachers in choosing and refining instructional strategies through collaboration and reflection . Results of a case study involving four 6th grade teachers will be presented , and participants will gain ideas for implementing MLS as a form of professional development to increase teacher collaboration , instructional strategy knowledge , and student learning outcomes .
Ariel Saiber The Effect of the Online Learning Environment on the Academic Success of Students with Executive Dysfunction Children with ADHD suffer from executive dysfunction . This study examined students with and without ADHD in both the online and inperson learning environments . Each student group ’ s GPA data was analyzed to determine if a relationship does exist as well as what effect executive functioning abilities might have on GPA data .
Nicole Walker The Development of Teachers ’ Assessment Literacy as a Best Practice Assessment literacy aligns objectives , instruction , and assessment , making academic content available to all students . Expectations of teachers ’ proficiency in assessment literacy continue to outpace the reality . Using a framework of backwards design focused on planning appropriate professional learning experiences would inform educational leaders at all levels of where and how to encourage student learning by supporting refinement of teacher practice .
Khloe C . Williams-Lawani Perception Gaps Between Principals and Teachers in Culturally
Responsive School Leadership The presentation will note the purpose of this study : to show how principals ’ perceptions of their use of specifically identified culturally responsive practices in their school compares to their teachers ’ perceptions of the principal ’ s implementation of those practices . The presentation will summarize the methodology and findings to determine if perception gaps exist within each school , and implications for future research .