University Research Conference | Page 13

Matthew Fultz and Brendan Donovan * An Evaluation of the Public Perception of Police Militarization in 2022 This presentation is about the militarization of police within the United States . The purpose of the presentation and research is to gather demographic information and opinions on police militarization . We want to reveal correlations between various demographics and their opinion ( s ) on police militarization as well as certain aspects within the concept .
Kristen A . Johnson and Madison Vanzant * The Public ’ s Perception Regarding Those Diagnosed with Mental Health Disorders and Their Ability to Conduct to Accurate Eyewitness Testimony in Court Our presentation will provide our audience with a greater understanding of the community ’ s perception of those diagnosed with mental health disorders and their ability to recall key events from the past . We will educate the audience on each of the various conditions discussed ( PTSD , Schizophrenia , Depression , Anxiety ) while highlighting the importance of accuracy as these diagnosed individuals testify in court .
Katelin MacConnell The Public Perception of Inmate Labor in the United States My project is a data set that will compare the public ’ s perception of inmate labor . In addition to the general public ’ s opinion , it will include questions that are specific to those who ’ ve been incarcerated previously . My analyzed data should give us an idea if people who ’ ve experienced incarceration feel any different about inmate labor than those who ’ ve never been incarcerated .
Laura Pelczar Gang Violence on the Digital Platform Social media is utilized daily by a majority of society . Its growing emergence has enabled gangs to exist and promote their activities on a digital platform . This study aims to determine how gangs utilize social media and for what purposes while also acknowledging whether it fosters an environment where gang violence is then promoted in the real world .
Luis Vazquez What Does the General Population Know About Sex Trafficking ? The purpose of this study is to find out what the general public knows about sex trafficking and to see how accurate their knowledge is . In addition , this study aims to see if any factors such as education level , age , or gender affects what people know about sex trafficking .