Criminal Justice
William Allen * The Public Perception of Online Prostitution As technology continues to creep into the realm of criminal activity , there has been a noticeable shift in prostitutes taking their businesses to an online environment . With new subscriber-based websites , such as OnlyFans , at the center of this shift , this study attempts to answer whether these men and women are considered prostitutes in the public view ?
Tyler Bascone * Education Entry Requirement for Policing The purpose of conducting this research is to look into the public perspective on the education level requirement to become a police office .
Victoria Brunkel * Does Having an Incarcerated Parent Affect Juvenile Crime ? The purpose of this study is to determine if children of incarcerated parents are more likely to commit juvenile crimes . Participants were asked whether they had an incarcerated parent during childhood , what the quality of their relationship was with their parents , and whether they committed crimes as a youth .
Malcolm Casey Police Presence and its Impact on Community Fear of Police The current climate of police / community relations have been a significant topic of concern . Discussions of police de-militarization and police defunding have become common as a result of widespread dissatisfaction with police . This study focuses on the impacts modern-day policing has on American communities and how significant policing strategies and policies play a role in causing communities to feel fearful .
Ryan Elder Perception of Immigration Policy in 2022 This study aims to find the correlation between different characteristics among US citizens and how we view immigration policies in 2022 . This study uses variables such as age , gender , religion and more to gain a better understanding of why certain people have certain views . Information was gained through a series of survey questions that cover all aspects that might play a role in opinions .