Universal Living NOV / DEC 2013 Volume 1 Issue 2 | Page 8

give your medicine cabinet a MAKEOVER Natural solutions that are safer, cheaper & more effective than traditional remedies By Deb Haltuch My intention is to educate and empower you so that you can take control of your family’s health. I’ve found the essential oils to be safer, cheaper, and more effective than over the counter medicines. And, the essential oil medicine cabinet is nearly 40% cheaper than the average person’s medicine cabinet. We are so fortunate to live in a time of such great medical advances, but there are limitations to modern medicine that we have all experienced. So, what do you choose...let’s take a look at the options. Modern Medicine ? ? ? ? ? These drugs are designed to manage symptoms and often just mask them. Prescription drugs are made from isolated synthetic agents designed to mimic natural substances such as essential oils from plants. All drugs have side effects and the misuse of prescription drugs has devastating consequences. Annually, $4.5 trillion dollars is spent globally on healthcare. Are we healthier because of it? In contrast, let me share the health benefits that can be found in nature. Nature’s Medicine ? Nature’s medicine helps support the body by minimizing symptoms and addressing root causes. ? One of the most effective forms of natural medicine is essential oils. Essential oils are natural aromatic compounds found in plants. They are essential to the life of the plant and to the life of people on our planet. Plants are used in many different ways for helping Nov/Dec 2013 Issue—Page 8 and healing others but the most concentrated way to use them is in the form of essential oils. ? Essential oils are used safely and without harmful side effects. ? Another benefit, they cost pennies per dose. They can also be administered in the comfort of your own home, reducing trips to the doctor, exposure to other illnesses, and co-pay. So, with natural solutions we accomplish safer healthcare...how about more effective healthcare? ? Essential oils are 50-70 times more powerful than herbs. ? They kill bacteria and inhibit the growth of viruses. ? They enter the bloodstream within 30 seconds. ? Essential oils are a natural antibiotic and have the ability to kill bacteria. Beyond that, they are able to penetrate the outer membrane of the cell wall. This means that essential oils can go to work against viruses, too. So, if your doctor says, “You have a virus. Go home, rest, and drink lots of fluids. There isn’t anything else we can do.” You CAN do something else. Use your essential oils to help fight viruses! One of the biggest perks of essential oils is that they are friendly to all the natural safety barriers in the body. Many companies produce or use essential oils but not all essential oil products are equal. In fact, some could be very toxic and harmful to our bodies. There are different grades and it is important to be aware of the distinctions. •The lowest grade of essential oils are synthetic and are produced in labs that have copied the components of the oil. These oils are very low quality and are used in lotions