Universal Living NOV / DEC 2013 Volume 1 Issue 2 | Page 9

and perfumes. •Next are food grade essential oils. These are used to flavor foods like lemon in salad dressings or cinnamon chewing gum. •The next grade, intended for a health bene?t, is therapeutic grade. This has held the standard in the essential oil industry for the last 30 years. These are the oils that are found in health food stores and used in the health industry. These oils have served well but now things are even better One company named DoTERRA has established a new standard in essential oils called Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (or CPTG). DoTERRA set this standard by demanding the highest quality in all aspects of growing, processing, and distributing essential oils. DoTERRA is committed to obtaining oils from the original source. They buy oils from growers that they select, train and monitor from all over the world. For example, Lavender comes from France and Frankincense comes directly from Oman. After the oils are obtained, they are processed in the manner best suited to that plant. Then they undergo third party testing in two independent labs to certify each batch of oil is pure. There are no synthetics, impurities or chemicals. If a batch does not meet this high standard, it does not make its way into bottles. 3 WAYS TO APPLY ESSENTIAL OILS The first and fastest way is aromatically. Just take a whiff! The oils start working immediately. They kill germs in the air, open airways and affect mood. These life-changing oils can be diffused into the air, sniffed straight from the bottle, or applied to the skin. The second type of application is topical. The oils can be applied to head, feet, ears, chest, back of the neck and troubled areas. Application on the bottom of the feet enters the blood stream and affects the entire body within 30 seconds. CPTG oils can be taken internally! These oils can go right to work from the inside to relieve issues in the digestive system, mouth, throat and liver. Take under the tongue, in a gel capsule, in water, or in food. 20 HEALTH BENEFITS OF ESSENTIAL OILS Affect the psyche Improve the circulatory system Support Immune function Promote optimal endocrine function Supply potent antimicrobials (kills MRSA) Support the urinary system Provide natural pain relief Soothe burns, sunburns, minor cuts Reduce inflammation Support muscles and bones East stress and anxiety Provide oral and dental care Decrease insomnia Nourish and strengthen hair Rejuvenate skin Improve mental clarity Protect against colds and influenza Protect against cancer Soothe digestive disorders Provide safe, natural alternatives to household cleaners So, with all of this information about essential oils, what is the next step? Contact me to setup a one-on-one health consultation, to schedule an essential oils class in your home or business or to send you an invitation to my next essential oils class. Deb Haltuch is a Quantum Biofeedback Technician, Reflexologist, Macrobiotic Coach & Rep for doTerra Essential Oils. Nov/Dec 2013 Issue—Page 9