Universal Living NOV / DEC 2013 Volume 1 Issue 2 | Page 23
daily basis to allow for adequate detoxification. Your detox program should include nutritional support for each of these pathways, including support of cellular detox.
What Do You Need to Look for in a Safe and Effective Detox?
The word “detox” is primarily thought of as a treatment for alcohol or drug dependence but these days it is the “buzz word”
that refers to a program of food plans, supplements and herbs,
and other methods that remove environmental and dietary toxins from the body. Detoxing involves balancing 3 areas of your
life: food and drink, environment and lifestyle.
There are so many different types of detox “diets” on the market today from 3 days to 30 days. Generally an effective detox
program lasts 10 days and should include:
A balanced, food-based nutritional program with a shopping list
A whole body approach: liver, kidneys, lungs, blood, lymphatics, digestion, skin and cellular
Elimination of gluten, dairy, sugar, artificial sweeteners,
alcohol, caffeine, unnecessary over-the -counter meds, fast
foods, salt, processed foods
Addition of alkalizing & detoxify organic foods (leafy greens,
cruciferous and high fiber veggies, lemon, ginger, garlic)
Emphasis on foods that provide the vitamins, nutrients, and
antioxidants the body needs for proper detoxification
Adequate amounts of protein (amino acids) your liver needs
for detoxification (plant-based as well as wild-caught fish,
organic chicken & turkey)
Frequent, Balanced nutritious meals to keep the metabolism working properly
Increase in water consumption and herbal teas
Assistance of pharmaceutical grade products that support
proper metabolic balance, cellular detoxification, aid in
eliminating low grade inflammation, and quality multivitamins that feed the body what it needs to run efficient
Other methods such as colonic hydrotherapy, infra-red saunas, sea salt and baking soda baths, meditation, journaling
and even exercise to support and enhance the process.
It’s about Benefits Baby! … A Detox Is Not Just a
“Quick Fix”!
I love hearing the result from my clients. Yes, it will help
jumpstart weight loss! Yes, you will feel & look better the first
week! Yes, you will have more energy! Yippee! But lasting improvement in your health means making smart choices about
what goes into our bodies every day.
You will eliminate foods that you may be sensitive to and
don't even know it
You will learn how to consume good carbs, proteins and
fats by using th