Universal Living NOV / DEC 2013 Volume 1 Issue 2 | Page 22
Are you ready to ditch the diet mentality? Kiss the cravings
good-bye? Enjoy endless amounts of energy you didn’t know
existed? Lose weight while you amp up your immune system?
Let’s start here and take this short quiz:
Rate each of the symptoms using the following point scale:
0 — Never or almost never have the symptoms
1 — Occasionally have it, effect is not severe
2 — Occasionally have it, effect is severe
3 — Frequently have it, effect is not severe
4 — Frequently have it, effect is severe
___Excess Weight
___Brain Fog
___Muscle Pain
___Joint Pain
___Itchy Skin
___Bags or Dark ___Poor memory
circles under eyes or concentration
___Total Score
How did you do? If you answered a level of 2, 3 or 4 to any of
these, you have found your “WHY” and time to take a look at a
Whole Body Detox Program.
Are You Ready to Dump?
Toxicity often lies at the root of many chronic illnesses. The
cumulative load, called the "total body burden,” leads to illness
and has been linked to hormonal imbalance, impaired immune
function, nutritional deficiency, and an inefficient metabolism.
We are constantly exposed to toxins from many different
sources. Anything that can potentially harm body tissue, including waste products built up as result of normal metabolism
and intestinal bacteria, as well as human-made environmental
chemicals, are considered toxins. Heavy metal, antibiotics, horNov/Dec 2013 Issue—Page 22
By Roseann Zaft
mones in food, pollution, car exhaust, alcohol, cigarette smoke,
pesticides, bacteria, viruses, parasites, prescription drugs,
chemicals from food packaging, food additives, cosmetics, even
our water, contains harmful toxins. Many of the chemicals we
ingest daily through food, water, and air get deposited into our
fat cells. A diet/lifestyle that lacks certain nutrients impairs our
body’s natural ability to detoxify chemicals, leading to further
build-up within the body.
When we are exposed to a toxic substance, white blood cells
surround it, creating inflammation to protect the rest of the
body. In this sense, creating inflammation is beneficial, and
shows our immune system is doing its job. However, when we
are constantly exposed to harmful substances, our immune
system is constantly creating inflammation in an attempt to
protect the body. Over time, this constant production of inflammation causes our immune system to weaken, become
overloaded, and lose its ability to function properly.
Disease is a loss of function in the body. Symptoms are a sign of
this loss of function. Think of it as this: we keep “PUTTING
TRASH IN THE TRASH CAN,” then we are so overloaded and
tired, we can’t even pick up the trashcan and dump it…. A detox
is the dump!
As you can see, a periodic detox program is a great way to decrease your toxic body burden, strengthen your immune system, create healthier eating habits, and even, lose weight. Did
you know you carry around anywhere from 5-10 pounds of toxic waste that slows your metabolism? Not only do our organs
and fat accumulate toxins, but our cells do too! After a detox
that “toxic” weight is eliminated.
So Just What is a “Detox?”
Detox is short for detoxification. It is the body's natural, ongoing process of eliminating toxic overload. There are many ways
in which the body removes toxins. The liver, intestines, kidneys,
lungs, skin, and blood and lymphatic systems all work together
to ensure toxins are chemically transformed to less harmful
compounds and excreted from the body. In each case, specific
nutrients are needed for these routes of elimination to work
properly. Many of us do not take in the proper nutrients on a