Universal Living NOV / DEC 2013 Volume 1 Issue 2 | Page 24
Other side effects include mood swings, gas, diarrhea or constipation, tiredness (get plenty of sleep!), irritability, acne, weight
loss, and hunger. Don’t be alarmed! This will pass, or just maybe
you need to go a bit slower than the plan suggests. Reactions
depend on your previous diet and lifestyle. Symptoms should
subside after a few days. If things worsening or new symptoms
occur after the 4th day of your detox, stop the protocol and
contact your health professional.
Be aware, if a detox diet is continued for a longer time, it may
result in nutrient deficiencies, particularly protein (some detox
diets omit animal products) and calcium. This is why my 10-day
detox is a perfect solution.
Detoxes aren’t for everyone (pay attention here!)
Anyone that is already dealing with health conditions, especially
liver or kidney disease should only do a detox under the care
and guidance of a qualified health professional and/or their
medical doctor. This includes pregnant or nursing women. Detoxes aren’t for children. If my clients struggle with chronic fatigue, severe indigestion/digestion cough, muscle pain, and
poor sleep I know these can be signs of serious illness. It is very
important that they see their primary care provider for a thorough assessment to ensure that any symptoms are not caused
by a medical condition that requires immediate treatment. Ironically, these are the people that can actually benefit the most
from a detox, yet I recommend they use a supervised detox that
is doctor formulated. This is why I work with a Naturopathic
Medical Doctor (Dr. Christina Tondora, Scottsdale, AZ). Not all
Health Coaches have her on their team. My clients feel confident to know we can rely on her for medical support all the way
through their detox. Most detox programs are not equipped to
handle clinical cases or people on meds… we are!
Why the Health for Your Whole LifeTM 10-Day Whole
Body Detox ROCKS!!
Granted, there are so many detoxes out on the market these
days, it can be confusing. Which one do you choose? Having
Nov/Dec 2013 Issue—Page 24
looked at many of the detox programs out there, I recommend
and coach the Health for Your Whole LifeTM 10-Day Whole Body
Detox. First and foremost, there is SCIENCE behind it. My 10day Detox is doctor-formulated and supervised. It’s simple and
effective. There are no crazy supplements, dieting or fasting! It
includes a shopping list and a 10-day meal plan. It’s simple and
straight forward. You receive nutritional consulting prior to
starting and upon completion INCLUDING email/phone support
for the entire 10 days. If there are any medical issues or concerns, a clinical intake form is completed and reviewed by Dr.
Tondora personally. Your detox kit also includes two (2) pharmaceutical-grade products which increase energy expenditure,
reduce body fat, reduce inflammation, as well as provide nutritional support for digestion and liver function.
So, what do you really have to lose except some “junk in the
trunk”? After all, who doesn’t want to lose a few extra pounds,
have more energy, improved digestion, fewer cravings, and
amore positive stable mood? If you do, contact me at
[email protected] and we can get you started!
Please note: The content of this article is for general health information only and
is not intended to be a substitute for professional holistic medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please contact Dr. Christina Tondora NMD or your naturopathic medical doctor or licensed healthcare practitioner when changing your
diet and lifestyle. This article is a guide to practical and useful information to
assist you in planning a detoxification plan and strategy that works best for you,
your circumstances and your condition.
Roseann C. Zaft is a certified Fitness Trainer and Wellness Practitioner. She works with busy women and men that are looking to
find more balance in their life. Roseann helps her clients find
solutions to fitness and food so they have more energy, manage
stress better and learn how to LIVE FIT using her "one day at a
time approach". Wheth er it is going through a 10-day detox,
using pure essential oils, learning about food choices or incorporating functional weight training, golf fitness, Pilates, yoga,
indoor cycling or water aerobics, Roseann creates an approach
specific for her clients. Offering this diverse menu of services
enables her to support her clients all the way to find the balance they need. Check out her website: www.livefit2day.com or
email her directly: livefit2day@me.