Union County, Blairsville, Georgia Holiday 2022 + Winter 2023 | Page 20

“ Where You Are Treated Like Royalty ” believe the other two would not have been an item if we had not had Meeks Park for them . They have been crazy successful .”
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Page 20 � Union County GA Magazine � Holiday 2022 Winter 2023
Festivals Success in Meeks Park due in part to Lamar Paris ’
Efforts Before & While being sole County Commissioner
By Norm Cooper Editor , Union County GA Magazine
About This Article
Commissioner Lamar Paris has a enduring trait - he never likes the spotlight on himself . He is the exception among public officials . This article highlights the efforts of Lamar Paris in regard to the current success with the three major festivals in Union County - Blairsville Scottish Festival & Highland Games ( in June ), Butternut Creek Festival ( in July ) and Sorghum Festival ( in October ).
Paris ’ contributions occurred prior to him being elected to public office and after he became Sole Commissioner of Union County .
Paris was asked by Union County Commissioner Glen Gooch to serve on the Union County Recreational Authority around 1984 .
He served for a decade . When Paris came on the board , the county had a nine-hole golf course and one recreation baseball ball field . The only other field was at the old high school .
In the early 1990s , the decision was made to improve the situation , by creating a park for recreation . Paris was given the task of scouting out property . After a search of a few places , none of which were suitable , Paris approached his neighbor , Bill Meeks , whom Paris described as a second daddy to him when he was growing up .
“ My father died when I was ten years old and they were next door neighbors ,” Paris recalls . “ I asked Bill if he would consider for part of his farm to be used for recreation ? That was about the time Highway 515 was

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Union County Commissioner Lamar Paris
( from his Fscebook )
being created , part of it cutting though his farm . He thought about it and we went to the farm to look at it .”
The location of what became Meeks Park was sometimes a corn field and other times a pepper field . The board offered to buy the property with the blessings and backing of Commissioner Gooch . Meeks sold the property . Many were responsible for the development of the park .
When Paris was Recreation Director , development of the upper portion began . Later Meeks sold more land to the county where the Senior Center is located .
When Lamar become the Sole Commissioner of Union County , he was able to acquire land across Butternut Creek from the Colwell family , the area known as Meeks Park II . The land has played a major role in the success of the three major festivals in Union County .
“ I really think it made those festivals ,” said Paris . “ The Sorghum Festival was fizzling out in downtown and they needed a place to go . The move to Meeks Park was perfect . I
“ Where You Are Treated Like Royalty ” believe the other two would not have been an item if we had not had Meeks Park for them . They have been crazy successful .”
In addition to his role in acquiring and providing the land , Paris has played a major role in providing publicity for the events . Commissioner Paris attends the events , takes a large amount of photographs , then post photos on his Facebook site .
Commissioner Paris helped in getting the Sorghum Cooking Shed built , installing rest rooms for festival attendees and vendors , keeping Butternut Creek in pristine condition , and building the Gristmill at the creek .
There are many other features in the park not directly related to providing a venue for festivals - ball fields , walking trails , hiking trails , skate park , pavilions , senior citizens exercise area , kayak ramps , pool , splash areas , tennis courts , pickle ball courts and more .
Paris described the economic advantage to the county . “ I think it has been huge ,” said Paris . “ The purpose of the festivals was to draw people to Union County to see what we had and to see what we had to share .”
The festivals have helped local residents while also attracting many who made Union County their home , all of those together making Union County a “ better place to live , work and play ,” said Paris .
“ We have an amazing county ,” said Paris . “ It takes a lot of people working a lot of long hours , a lot of volunteers as well , to make it what it has been .”
www . unioncountymag . com � 10th Anniversary
LIVE , from near the Union
County , Georgia , western border ! Cycle Fever TV North airs on Tuesday on Facebook , YouTube , Vimeo
Cycle Fever TV is on Live every Tuesday night from a studio in Morganton , Georgia - a mere rock throwing distance from the western border of Union County , Georgia . It can be watched anytime on playback .
At 7:00 p . m . on Tuesday night , Cycle Fever TV North is showcasing what ’ s happening in north Georgia and the surrounding areas . The program is seeking viewers and good things in Union County to feature on the show . Those with a device that can tune into Facebook , You Tube , and Vimeo , can tune in free every Tuesday night .
Cycle Fever TV was created by Hank Knapp and Bill Young . During 2020 , Hank moved to Morganton . The home has a full TV studio .
“ Union County has a lot to offer with great restaurants , hiking , waterfalls , festivals and just great and friendly people with great stories to tell ,” said Hank .
Cycle Fever TV in Morganton has four people who cover north Georgia , Hank and Clyde , with Tamra and Linda .
Hank and Clyde are on the air with banter to keep viewers entertained . The videos of events are expertly and professionally done , equal to any big city television station . Occasionally a magazine publisher from Union County appears , about once a month . ( NormC )
Advertising segments are available . Hank Knapp 407-929- 1713 . Email hka89 @ aol . com .

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