www . unioncountymag . com � 10th Anniversary
Butternut Creek Festival next to shady Butternut Creek
Sorghum Festival Cooking Shelter , T-Shirt Booth , Concession Stand
The Blairsville Sorghum Festival has been a part of the heritage of Union County for more than a half century .
While the organizers are small in number , they accomplish the largest event of the year in Union County .
The Enotah CASA ( Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children ) for a second year joined in a partnership with the Blairsville Sorghum Syrup Makers for the four-day event in two weekends in October .
The Sorghum Parade is held the first Saturday of the festival with floats , walkers , cars , tractors and others . Music is a cherished tradition with the old music stage from the original Fort Sorghum now at Meeks Park .
A building for making
Blairsville Sorghum Festival
On Blue Ridge Hwy . at 57 Sears Way , Blarisville , Ga
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3 photos / NormC
sorghum syrup is the center attraction . The cooker is fueled by fire as it was many years ago . Fresh sorghum syrup is made .
Visitors can see , smell , taste and buy the syrup being made at the festival . An electric grinder is used to crush the cane .
Vendors sell an assortment of items including arts , crafts , homemade items , wood carvings , knives and food of every variety . A variety of things includes a wilderness exhibit to places with historical information .
Attendees can participate in contests as rock throwing and biskit eating that requires participants to drag bread through sorghum syrup .
Those who come hungry are rewarded with a variety of food choices .
Union County GA Magazine � Holiday 2022 Winter 2023 � Page 19
Indian Summer Festival , Suches
The Indian Summer Festival is held in Suches on the grounds of Woody Gap School , the smallest public school in the state , the first full weekend in October . The event is organized by The Woody Gap Sports Club , a non-profit organization .
Among the unique attractions to enjoy is a play performed by the elementary students of Woody Gap School . Dressed in period dress to represent native American Indians and earlier settlers in the area , the students present a drama depicting Indian life in the area in the nineteenth century .
Suches was named after a Cherokee Indian Chief .
Vendors offers arts and crafts . A variety of live music and e n t e r t a i n m e n t takes place on the stage .
Things to eat include pork plates and sandwiches , hamburgers and hot dogs .
Each day a live auction is held for
By Norm Cooper Editor , Union County GA Magazine
those in attendance to bid on scores of items donated for the occasion .
The organization retains the name Woody Gap Sports Club as they support the athletic programs of the school , however , they also provide academic support ( including scholarships ) for all Woody Gap graduates .
www . indiansummerfestival . org
At right : Auctioneer during live auction . Below : Students in drama about American Indians . photos / NormC
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