www . unioncountymag . com � 10th Anniversary
The Elusive Christmas Spirit
Once Upon A Time , there was in existence a Christmas Spirit that made the holiday a special time of the year .
A time that was felt for only a few days around the magical date of the twenty-fifth day of the last month of the year .
What happened to the Elusive Christmas Spirit that is now more legend than reality ?
In yesteryear children would be excited to get an orange or some candy . On a rare occasion there would be a small toy . Years ago when a gift was wrapped and placed under the tree , it was a mystery .
In today ’ s world , children have an abundance of things year round , thus getting more stuff is not special .
In days gone by , a Christmas tree was put up only a few days before Christmas Day and removed soon after the day passed . It would take a child several years to see a decorated tree for a total of thirty days . Christmas decorations have lost their charm with so much seen for several
Norm ’ s 1st Christmas Stocking
By Norm Cooper
Editor , Union County GA Magazine months .
Once upon a time , having a big meal with family was a rare occasion . Money to buy food was not plentiful . Family members who lived away had limited transportation to travel distances . In today ’ s world , a lot of food and family visits are common year round .
Christmas in years gone by would be a break from the routine of life . Now the holiday is simply added to an already busy life , being more a chore than a celebration .
A play or a music special happened once a year in yesteryear and you had to attend to see it . There are so many productions now year round and seeing it does not require attendance due to social media .
Christmas season was typically a few days to a couple of weeks long . In today ’ s world , stores stock shelves with Christmas items before some other holidays have occurred . The shopping season starts months before the holiday . By the time the holiday arrives many people are tired of it .
And , what happened to the tradition of caroling ? Lost is the art of mailing Christmas Cards in envelopes . Every year fewer residences and businesses and churches have outdoor decorations to share with those who pass by . There is no difference in the lawn from December and the middle of the year for most .
Many cities and counties have restricted areas where displays can be put up for the holiday . For most , life is simply too busy to capture the innocence of the season that used to make it special .
Where is the Christmas Spirit ? It still exist , however , it must be sought for . Christmas can be a special time for those who choose to make it so . Enjoying the festivities of the season is there for those who make it so . Most important of all , of course , is to always remember the reason for the season !
Union County GA Magazine � Holiday 2022 Winter 2023 � Page 21
Gathering shows support for cabins on
The DAE Compound for Veterans
The DAE Compound is taking another step forward . The hope is to have it located in the north Georgia mountains , ready to be home to former combat veterans .
Paige Thornton , a selfproclaimed Advocate for the State of Georgia for Combat Veterans , hosted an special event at the home of a close deceased friend .
“ I wanted to bring awareness of the concept of the community and a potential location ,” said Paige . Among those at the open house were Veterans from each branch of the military , a state representative , law enforcement community and community members .
“ This non profit will serve to provide a community where veterans have comradery ,” said Paige . “ It will serve as transient and long term housing .”
The website states efforts are underway to create a community of 30 cabins where veterans who suffer from PTSD ( post traumatic stress syndrome ), TBI ( traumatic brain injury ), alcoholism , and selfisolation can come to live among
2nd from left - Paige Thornton
fellow comrades .
There is already a place in mind on a property with plenty of upscale amenities ,
Rep . Gunter including a commercial kitchen , laundry facilities , greenhouse , and large
rooms . Plans include employing a psychologist and a social worker .
With 18 acres and a stream fed pond , the surrounding woodlands and forests offer the perfect backdrop for The DAE Compound .
DAE stands for David Allen Elliott , a Sergeant in the Army 82nd Airborne Division . Elliott was also a life long policeman , and suffered from PTSD as a result of his lifetime of service to combat and first responder .
www . DAECompound . org
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