Understanding Screen Addiction | Page 31

Is it time for a digital diet?

time. If you are at the point where you feel you need to do that then definitely go for it BUT....

You don't have to give up your screen time entirely. Think of it like food. If you go on an extreme diet then you are more likely to give in and start eating foods which are bad for you. If you cut off all screen time and say you are not going to go online at all then you are more likely to go back to overuse.

A digital diet is about being mindful of what you are doing online and how much time you are spending doing it. It's about embracing the good it brings and using it for work, school, and fun without over-consuming. (You do tell yourself you can't eat the whole package of Oreo's don't you?) It's about moderating yourself and spending the time you do spend online on quality things that are good for you.

If it's time for a digital diet for you then start right now by writing down some of the boundaries and online limits you will set for yourself when it comes to screen time (and yes that does include social media). It helps to sit down with a friend or family member and talk out what is the best and most practical boundaries for your life.

There are people who decide a digital detox is right for them...it's where they give up their devices for a certain period of time.

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